
Mission for the Battle Maids

Dark Lord of Tartarus


A woman with black hair and green eyes wearing a metal plated maid uniform was kneeling before her master and lowered her head. The maid is Aesyla, the eldest of the Hyades Battle Maids. Her master called her so she immediately went to her master's office.

The guardians were all inside the office as well.

"Aesyla, good you came here fast."

"I shall always answer to your summons immediately, my lord."

"Now then, I called you, because I have a mission for you."

"What is the mission?"

"I and the guardians will be attacking a certain human town, and you will act on your mission during the attack."

Aesyla lifted her head and looked to her master as she keenly listened to him.

"As you know, we have some Magic Crystals inside our vault. However, those crystals may not be enough as time goes forward. Magic Crystals are used in various ways like creation for life or items. That is why we need more."

"So you want us to get Magic Crystals?"

"That's right. Tomorrow I will send you to the mining site where I obtained the crystals. Security is tighter now though, but I'm confident you can handle them. Based on our observations, there are no weapons there that will be difficult for you to handle. So you'll be fine."


"Also, I will be giving you Rock Golems, they will help you in the mining. Command them as you see fit."


"Then, I will only send two people to accompany you for we can't leave this mansion unguarded. Hmmm, what about Ambrosia and Mira? They ought to be capable enough."

"Understood, I will relay them the mission you have given to us immediately."

"All right, you're dismissed."

Aesyla stood up and left the room then went on her way to the lower floor.

When she went to the second floor using the stairs, Aesyla saw one of her sisters cleaning the decorations. The woman cleaning has silver hair and dark brown eyes wearing a maid uniform, the uniform doesn't have any protective parts, just a standard uniform.

"Mira." Aesyla called her sister.

"Oh, Aesyla! The meeting's finish I see."

"Yes. We have been given a mission. We'll talk about it in our room, also it would be good to have all of our sisters attend. When you come across them, please tell them once they're finished with their current task to come to our room immediately. I will go around the mansion and find whoever I can.

"Got it. I'll tell them."

Aesyla nodded and went on her way.

She reached the first floor, and then she went her way to the dining room.

There she saw one of her sisters cleaning. She saw a pair of very noticeable part of her. It was her ears, they were long and pointed. She has brown skin like Xelya, long brown hair and purple eyes.

"Hello, Cleia, gentle cleaning as always I see."

The elf looked at the source of the voice.

"Aesyla, it's you."

Cleia quickly walked closed to Aesyla and smiled tenderly.

"So so? How's Lord Xyn?"

Cleia's hands were clasped together and her eyes were shining with anticipation.

"Why are you so excited?"

"Of course I would be! I want to hear about Lord Xyn. You were just called to his office, right? So what was that about?"

"Auh… of course… you greatly idolize him after all. Well, he's magnificent and majestic as always. Also when you are done here with your current task, go to our room and we'll talk about what we talked about with Lord Xyn earlier."

"I see. Alright, I'll go right away when I'm done here… Oh, how I wanted to see him now."

"As what we always want. Then I shall be going. Oh, if you come across some of our sisters please inform them what I just said."

"Yeah of course."

Then Aesyla went forward and circled around the first floor.

She reached the living room.


Aesyla called the person in the room. The person was cleaning when she was suddenly called. Then the person faced where she was called from.

The woman has pale skin, red hair and red eyes, wearing a metal plated maid uniform. She has an appearance of a young girl. However, her fangs were partially exposed, this indicates that this girl is no human, therefore she isn't young at all.

"Aah, Aesyla. You called for me. Is there a reason for that?"

She talked in a very gentle manner.

"Of course yes. After you are done here, please come to our room, we have something to talk about. The rest of our sisters shall also be coming in shortly."

"Does this have something to do with you being called to the Lord's office? Is it some task?"


"Then I will be on my way later."

"Also, if you come across one of our sisters please tell about the meeting in our room."

"All right."

After that, Aesyla went outside to look for her other sisters. She went all around the garden and the yard but her other sisters were nowhere to be seen. After that, she casually stood facing the beautiful front yard of the mansion.

Aesyla felt a wind blowing, it was relaxing.

She inhaled deeply and exhaled.

She looked around and smiled.

"This scenery is beautiful and so peaceful. The green grass and everything just fit perfectly with the surroundings. Lord Xyn made this place perfectly indeed."

She and her sisters were given a place to be called home, and it was just not a home casually built. The place was pretty well thought and perfectly made, it could be described as a small paradise. The maids love the entire place.

"No one's here. I should now go to our room, they're probably there now."

There was nobody else around to be seen and a lot of time has passed. So she decided to go to the maids' room expecting all her sisters are now already there.

Aesyla went inside the mansion and the first that she saw was Cleia, she seems to be also on her way to the maids' room.

"Oh, Aesyla! Nobody on the outside?"

"Yes. It looks like you're already finished with your work."

"Ah, yeah. But there's still more work to do, so I'll continue after the meeting.

"Hm, shall we go together then?"

"You're now going to the room? Why not? Let's go."

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