
Meet my fiancee

Li Fu Jin doesn't understand his desires for Yu Yan, it is like a volcano erupting on his veins even if he knows he doesn't feel any love for her.

Whenever he kisses Yu Yan, he felt like he can't control himself. He wanted to do it repeatedly like the same craving that he felt when he has tasted her blood the night that they first met.

With confusions in his mind, he doesn't want to think that he feels something more than impulse for Yu Yan considering that he just met her a few days ago.

However, what made Li Fu Jin feel more curious about is her scar. Understanding Yu Yan's words, he speculated that she got it before she fell in coma.

Hiding the reason how did Yu Yan has the scar, and the abnormalities on her veins made Li Fu Jin feel suspicious about Mo Yu Min.

While Li Fu Jin is in deep thoughts, he keeps on staring at Yu Yan's adorable face while he glaces on the scar on her forehead, but no one knows what else he is thinking.



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