
A Long Awaited Reunion

"..Here goes nothing." Said Daniel before tightening his hold on the sound sphere, and with a sudden twist of his wrist, pulling it out of the formation. This was only possible because he had a key to operate it, otherwise, the formation would have had the same defensive power that the internal defenses of the ship had. As a sixth stage immortal cultivator, he would have never been able to forcibly break a something that was supposed to resist the attack of anyone below the eight rank.

After Daniel pulled the sound sphere out of the formation, a sudden sound wave exploded from the bridge, and traveled through the entire ship. From that very moment, everybody that was on board could feel it.. The defenses on the walls and doors were gone. Hopefully, people had gotten used to the idea of being quiet and to avoid using their immortal essence, and Daniel hadn't caused anybody's death.

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