Gao Lan Mei is not sure where the warmth came from despite the surface of the lamp not showing any place to put something in. She did not understand what the Runes meant, but would definitely like to find out in the future.
"Should I twist something here instead?" She whispered curiously.
Gao Lan Mei was only sure that it would not harm her after feeling the protective aura from it.
She wanted to continue fooling herself into believing that it was only a dream, that it was not real, but she was holding proof that somehow, he was there. He was really there, with his strange action and familiar presence of coldness, his actions were not a product of her thoughts.
One, she would never imagine herself so close to him. Kissing was also out of the question. Second, he told her things that she had never heard before.
Also with his strange hobby of bullying that really annoyed her all the time.