
Hawaii Resort

Ed, Flair, and Tao travelled north along the coast of the island, having no desire to enter inside. This was merely a pit stop on their journey, and there was no need to waste time.

Nearly an hour later, they reached an unusual ship. Like the previous ship, it was massive in size and carried no weapons. However, it was completely made of wood. 'Does Tai have a death sentence?!' Ed wondered. He reached out with his mana and felt nothing unusual with the ship. It seemed it really was just ordinary wood!

"Anyone there?!" He shouted towards the ship, but only silence remained.

'Weird...' He glanced towards the others. "Tao, guard Flair while I check things out."

"Humph." Tao snorted while nodding his head. He held his head high and proudly began marching in circles around Flair, showing her that she was being protected.
