
Southern King

He wanted to take a bath and fortunately there is a pond in the lower part of the crystal palace.

He only thought of it and then he suddenly appears in that room.

The pond is the size of a large lake.

Azief lower himself down and take a bath, slowly and gently

Then after finished taking a bath, he conjured up a new clothes for himself.

Before, he wears the white robe lined with black. But now, he wears all black.

A hooded black cloak. In a way, he looks like the grim reaper minus the skeletal figure and the scythe

Azief only wear this kind of appearance when he wanted to intimidate someone.

The moment he wears this clothes, his entire aura changed.

Black aura billows from his cloaks and the entire area seems to be filled with dark smoke.

Azief close his eyes and when he opens his eyes he is already outside of the island. He did not seem to have any nostalgic feeling at all toward the Crystal Palace.

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