
Spatial Dimension

Jasper's storage ring was created by the Mage Saint of Dimensions, who was highly sought after for not his prowess in battle, but his abilities in creating such items of immense value.

His fees were enormously high, so high that Jasper had to gather treasures from deep into the deserts of Morith, where the most evil of mankind were exiled to for their crimes, to the snowy mountains in Corra, the home of the great Ice Pheonix, the only one of its kind.

His adventures led him to many new places and meeting people of all walks of life, allowing him to learn of the countless cultures and languages of Trinix.

He had fought through immeasurable amounts of danger, that could have easily taken his life, but had also saved numerous people.

The popularity of his Sword Saint persona slowly rose until he became greatly revered throughout all lands of Trinix.

Despite the many treasures involved in the making, the spatial rings created by the great mage saint had a maximum size of 100 square meters, the very size of Jasper's ring.

He was filled with anticipation.

"Can you create a dimensional space?" he accidentally blurted out loud.

Shook by the suddenness of his mother's voice, Ian jumped out from his thoughts, blankly staring into the space in front.

He swung his head left and right a few times, shaking himself back to reality.

<Yes mother, but it takes a bit of time.

I need to slowly make this type of energy and then I can make it into a big ball, and make it boom.>

Ian spread out his tiny wings to the limits of his small body, his teeth tightening and eyes closely shut, as though he was trying to squeeze out every last hint of light.

<How long will it take?!>

Jasper widened his eyes, mouth slightly parted, his breath slightly heavier than usual.

<Umm...I think around....maybe....15 days?>

There was a minute amount of uncertainty in his voice.

<You think?>

<I can't create new energy if the mana goes bye bye again.>

Jasper sighed softly in relief.

<Don't worry. It shouldn't happen again.>

<Then I'll go start making this wobbly energy!>

<Wobbly.....Space, or dimensional energy, Ian.>

<Su...Space? Dai...Daimenshoon?>


<Dimension!> Ian happily repeated.

<I will be waiting for the good news from you.>

<Yes Mother!>

He suddenly recalled the image of a dark mist flowing out from his dantian, seemingly wanting to corrode all life with its mere touch.

<Are you able to use your evil attribute?>

A dark aura started to leak from the small dragon, his head dropped towards his chest, his cheeks puffed out like meat buns with a red tint, eyes welling up with warm liquid.

<I'm a bad boy after all.> he mumbled to himself.

Jasper stood in disbelief, lost, he did not know whether he should laugh or cry.

Hey, it's your shameless nyan here~

Uhhh...I meant your beloved, cute, charming author...hahaha

I will be posting 2 extra chapters if I am able to hit top 100 in rankings at the end of this week! (Sept 3rd - 9th). It will carry onto the following weeks until the goal is met.

Thank you all for you kind support!

*bows down deeply*

Also shamelessly plugging this here:

Kindly asking for some milk to feed this lazy cat~



meruncreators' thoughts
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