
Red, Green and Black, preparing for a counter attack!


5 DD: Complete sword and breathing techniques each day for one week. (Recurring Mission)

15 DD: Find out your Riku's favourite food ( 1 week to complete)

20 DD: Make up with Rosli

I had found myself in a carriage trying not to feel sick. We had been in motion for approximately twenty minutes. The Aikyo residence is basically a giant barracks with our home at the centre, placed on a mountaintop.

The Aikyo previous generations had chosen this so we could be closer to the training grounds for the new soldiers.

Since this was my first adventure outside of the manor, I had been rather shell-shocked at the sites and sounds of the surroundings. What had surprised me the most was the look of reverence people had for my mother and I when our carriage had passed the soldiers and their family members.

Mother had given me a lecture for a few minutes after she had seen my face. She had told me that the Aikyo residence had been guarding the country of Tama for four generations and that the Aikyo name has spread far and wide as the protectors of the land.

What had also astonished me was that since grandfathers generation our family has never once taken the command seal and we have always left it with the emperor as a sign of good faith, only taking it in times of war.

It was our reputation that had made each soldier move their weary feet in signs of war.

The stories of the Aikyo family were amazing but they had also left me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

[ I wonder how they felt when they gave birth to a son with a weak heart.]

Air escaped my lungs with a small huff.


Name: Yuki (Yuta)

Doki Dollars: 64

Strength: 6 ( Unlock: 5 DD)

Dexterity : 4 ( Unlock: 5 DD)

Magic: 0 ( Unlock: Unavailable)

Intelligence : 11 ( Unlock: 13 DD )

I sat there in thought looking at the menu in front of me. Before thinking of the princess. It was not the time to be making myself stronger. What would be the point of being stronger if I were to be beheaded at the palace when I arrived?

"Unlock Princess Rosli's profile" I had thought to myself.

{ Roslis of Tama unlocked - Deducted 30 DD | 34 DD Remaining }

Here in the country of Tama the royal family did not have a last name if they wanted to use one they could just state that Tama was their last name as the country belonged to them.

It was also a sign to the people that the royals thought of every single residence like they would a family member and finally, it was a message to the royals themselves not to treat the citizens unfairly.

" View Rosli's Profile " I thought as I imagined her face in my mind.

Name: Rosli Tama

Hobbies: Blank ( Unlock: 50 DD)

Heart Meters: 4/10 Green | 4/10 Red | 6/10 Black ( Unlock: 100 DD)

Thoughts: Blank ( Unlock: 30 DD)

Likes: Blank (Unlock: 20 DD)

Dislikes: Blank ( Unlock: 20 DD)

Kibbles Comments: it ain't looking good Meowster!

" What's with your comment Kibbles?" I mentioned to the fluff ball from the Lubu system.

" Exactly what I have said Meowster, it isn't looking good. I am a surprised a ten-year-old can have such strong emotions. Keep in mind Meowster most people from your old world date at 6 stars and get married at 8 or 9. Imagine liking someone else enough to date them ... now change that to negative emotions. That's her current black heart meter." Kibbles said solemnly.

" But couldn't that just be worry or something that she has for me?" I retorted to the voice in my mind.

" Not sure Meowster, you would have to unlock a detailed profile on the hearts! I can only access what you can. It's to make sure I can't let slip anything you haven't paid for!" Kibbles responds.

" Why are the other two heart meters at four? Doesn't she want to marry me?" I retort while looking out the window. I pale slightly at the thought.

I felt my mother glance up from her book to look at me. To her I must seem like I am daydreaming while looking outside the window. It's not like she could see Kibbles floating seamlessly outside the carriage or hear my internal thoughts.

" Meowster, you must remember she is a child! I wouldn't be surprised her Doki Heart Meters spin up and down rapidly. It also means that she is the most dangerous right now. " Kibbles states and it pretends to run in the air.

" What exactly do you mean by that? " I say worriedly.

" Hmm your really not bright are you Meowster?" Kibbles says and then looks straight in my eyes before continuing. " She is the only daughter of the emperor. She has the power of an entire country behind her. If she decides that she hates you and tells the crown prince and her dad.." Kibbles voice trails off a little and it looks away.

I sit there quietly digesting the words spoken before a small bump brings me out of my momentary melancholy.

"There is only one thing I can do right now and that is learn to be a friend to her. When the time comes that the male lead appears, He can sweep her off her feet! Kibbles unlock a like for me for 20 DD!" I think resolutely.

"Mmm thats the spirit meowster!" Kibbles responds. I felt at that moment that kibbles was smiling, not that a cat could smile.

{ Deducting 20 DD| 14 DD Remaining. Starting Heartbeat Roulette| Search Term Rosli | Section Likes! }

Ribbles tail falls to the side like a slot machine and its eyes begin to roll, a third one appears on its forehead that spun like the rest. Black, Red and Green hearts all move like a slot machine. Suddenly they start to slow before stopping on two red hearts and one black one.

{ Congratulations! Acquired Information " Red Bean Paste" has been added to Rosli Tama's Like section! Next Unlock 30DD }

[ That was unexpected…]

" What just happened? " I muttered speechlessly inside my head.

" Meowster, Human beings are complex, do you think they just like one or two things? The system is kind enough to pick out the most useful likes for you. However their usefulness is dependant on what you draw. Red hearts equate to helping you in romance, green in friendship and black in removing negative thoughts. "

Kibbles seems to take a breath before saying "Remember however if you eat candy all the time you get a stomach ache, the princess might like red bean paste but if you just feed it to her all the time… she may end up hating it! Remember time, place and frequency!" Kibbles nods while speaking.

" I think I might just have a way to fix this mess." I responded after a few breaths of silence.

" Mother, how long until we get to the palace?" I ask inquisitively.

Mother looks up from her book and smiles at me. " Oh it seems little Yu Yu is getting impatient to see the princess! Don't worry we are just coming up to the capital now. Poke your head a little more out the window you should be able to see it!" Mother replies.

I rolled my eyes before I did as she said. A breathtaking site washes over me.

[ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ]

When we reached the entrance, Instead of common birds a flock of tiny dragons with pom poms on their heads are circling above us.

There is the smell of cooked meat wafting in the air making my stomach howl, the buildings were all made with massive bricks giving an almost cartoony vibe and the vivid colors and strange clothing of the people walking by left me absolutely speechless. My mouth at the time involentarly gaped open and for the first time since I got here I genuinely smiled from ear to ear.

" Mother!" I involuntarily cried out. " The capital is beautiful!"

Mother looked at me as if she had seen a ghost before grinning widely. " Son, it's not big deal, you have been here before but.. I am glad as your mother to see you soo happy! Oh look we should be passing the school you will be attending in a few years" She said as she pointed to the other window.

I shot around to the other window as quickly as I could ,the carriage rocked a little, my mother laughed but I didn't care. Then a view came into my eyes like no other. A big bold sign that demanded respect had the words "Main Magicus School".

Behind the giant pillars holding it up, I could see buildings that floated on small islands, hundreds of students in black and white uniforms, a giant female statue with some unknown object in her hand that glowed and various animals walking around openly with I could only assume were their masters. There was even fresh grasses with giant pebble stone pathing instead of concrete lining the floor.

I felt like my heart would stop.

[ If univerities looked like this back on earth no one would want to leave! ]

The carriage drove past it and we finally ended up at the palace. Einstein's theory of relativity was ringing through my head at the time. I didn't want this carriage ride to end. I had even forgot about kibbles which was licking itself laughing at me.

" Are you still angry at Meowster cupid?" Kibbles mentions offhandedly.

The words felt like a cold bucket of water was dropped on my head.

" I guess not." I mumbled internally.

Mother stepped out of the carriage and I followed her. We ended up seeing a scene I would never forget.

I see you: Killulita, Sho and Noirkat. Thank you for sending me power stones.

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