
Predictions of the Prefecture Lords

Slazza and Narja took a little extra time with the contestants. They congratulated them both while making sure there were no lingering injuries anywhere on or in their bodies.

At the same time, the prefecture lords were all sorting through varying thoughts.

"Treeda, you've trained that tiger well…" Warak complimented, offering a genuine grin.

"Thank you. But it wasn't me who trained him. It was Zelsh and Jeerda that trained him," stated Treeda. 

"Either way, he's a fine candidate. Though, if that's what happens to him against Harmot, then I don't believe he can take Belma, let alone my brat's nephew."

Shrugging, Treeda agreed, "It's sad but true. It would be a great struggle, that's certain."

Toseko's voice abruptly caught the lord's attention, "So far, it seems Treeda has a candidate in two of the quarterfinals. I wonder if that trend will keep up?"

"I doubt it," Isaac remarked.
