
End of Round One


"You… COCKY APE!" Harter howled as more plain robes flapped in the wind. "Don't waste my time and energy!"

The tall young fighter leaped forward, equipping clawed, steel gloves. His synthetic talons tore through the air with rage and fury. No effort was left out as Harter looked deeply into Fulkar's displeased gaze.

"That it?"

Those claws and the whirling tempest they created fell harshly onto Fulkar's blue robes, causing them to flutter. Yet there were no cuts or tears anywhere to be found.

"Fight and lose honorably, at least!" shouting, Harter lashed out once more at full strength.

However, the same result was reached. Fulkar stood still, completely unmoved and unscathed.

"A waste…" Fulkar tilted his head to the side, seemingly looking down on his taller opponent. "That's not how you wield the wind, you technique stealing gorilla."
