
I Choose Buffets

The eyes of the female ghost glanced at the faraway room. It was easy to say that the woman was not completely insane, but she was acting way out of line. Moreover, she was really smelling so good; no wonder something had bitten her arm off.

Still, the thing that was supposed to give off the thing that induced the delicious stuff, there was no more thing to get interested in. Ye Ling could only sigh inwardly and stick to the nourishment channeling from Guangru. "If the source is indeed taken down, then… it's probably the Mian shamans who should give service.

"Her body's really becoming like a ball of negative energy. Coupling it with her traumatic experience and mental state, it's very possible that she would be haunted forever, and that wound would never close." Ye Ling walked like she was prancing in the rain. "Should I ask Guangru to take a look?"

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