
Almost alone in the forest (4)

as the sun rose the next day Mars looked up at the gray sky while he stretched

"looks like rain... it might be time to find permanent shelter"

having learned from the day before Mars still up in his tree looked down at the clearing to check for things that might want to eat his face off

"...seems like the coast is clear"

jumping down from the tree Mars walked to the shore of the lake and washed his face and drank some water as he looked over at the hill of wolf meat that had been left in the open for 2 days

"I might not be able to eat this anymore... but **** it

having decided to put his faith in his body Mars stuffed his face with wolf meat for one last time before he picked up the best parts of his harvested pelts and burned the rest of the meat to ashes with his flame

"now where to go?"

Mars agilely climbed the highest tree in the vicinity of the lake to look around for a general direction to follow in one direction he spotted a mountain range some 20 kilometers away

"...a cave might be good"

deciding to go for the caveman lifestyle Mars jumped down and picked up his knife and the pelts and started to move towards the mountain range through the forest while being somewhat on alert for wildlife, after walking for a few hours it started to rain

"this sucks"

Mars quickly noticed that while his body had excellent fire and heat resistance it was not as good with the cold and since he was only wearing some makeshift shorts his body temperature started to drop

"...I was fine when I was in space in subzero temperatures... is this maybe because my constitution status dropped?"

after fighting the cold for a few more hours Mars decided to stop and take shelter under a giant fallen tree trunk while warming up with his flame he decided to make a simple rain jacked by cutting out a square of pelt and making a hole in the middle to stick his head though

"this should do for now... are you coming out yet?"

while he was working Mars felt like he was being watched by something but the only answer he got was the loud sound of the rain still pouring down, staying on guard he sat down on the muddy ground and closed his eyes while making his flame disappear grasping his knife tightly while he waited for 'it' to make a move

"...come on now"

straining his ears Mars could hear some light footsteps moving in the trees over his head, it was moving from tree to tree gradually moving behind him until it stopped a few meters behind him

"...any second now"

tensing up Mars tightly grasped his knife with his right hand and put his left hand down on the ground while he waited for it to attack him


hearing it set off in a jump Mars jumped to the side spun around and was confused as he saw nothing was there until 'something' clearly landed where he had just been sitting, casting his doubts away Mars threw his knife at it, and after hurling through the rain for a moment the knife hit something


green blood spew out where his knife landed along with a load scream Mars looked in wonder while 'it' gradually faded into existence, as Mars saw what it was he let out a very comically feminine scream while he instinctively summoned and hurled his flame at it, a giant blue spider nearly 2 meters high


as commanded by his panic his dragon flame resounded like a dutiful soldier spreading out to a fire net covering the entire spider almost instantly reducing it to ash, after pulling himself together for a few second Mars walked over to pick up his knife when he discovered a blue bead among the ashes

"...so it is not only the wolfs that have theses beads?"

picking up his now completely black knife along with the bead Mars hesitated for a second before he ate the bead, after absorbing the energy for a few seconds he opened his status


Name: Mars

Age: 0 (vessel 5220)

Race: Half-dragon human

Titles: [Living god of energy] [Conquer of Salen] [Tyrant King] [5000-year prisoner] [Man that fell from the sky]

Class: [Energy]

Class level: 4

Status points:

Strength [6/1000] Constitution [3/2000] Dexterity [5/1500]

Intelligence [3/600] Wisdom [3/900] Charisma [1/10]

Active skills: [Dragon-flame magic lv 5] [Swordsmanship lv 4]

Class skills: [Energy: absorption] [Energy storage: 200/400] [Energy: discharge] [Energy: upgrade shop]

Passive skills: [Fire resist lv 15] [Commanding lv 3] [Mental reinforcement lv 5] [Pain resist lv 5]

"so that spider was at the same level as the alpha wolf... it gave the same amount of energy anyway"

after a few seconds Mars decided to stay put until the rain stopped and in fear of getting ambushed by another invisible spider he kept up his guard until the rain finally stopped a few hours later, Mars stood up and stretched

"time to move"

after climbing a tree to confirm his that he was still moving in the right direction Mars started walking through the forest to the mountain range still hurling his pelts, as the sun was going down Mars finally reached the foot of the first mountain

"...this is kind of big"

looking up at the mountain that was half-covered in trees and peeked above the clouds

standing approximately 10 kilometers tall but still the smallest in the mountain range Mars had a vague feeling that Alfan was bigger than his past world.

after searching around in the night for a cave to call home for some time Mars found some prime real estate, close to a river with pure water with a lot of fish and made from a pure white stone the cave made him want to claim it for himself the only problem was that it seemed to be occupied, so Mars did as any sane half-dragon would and yelled into the cave



getting an almost instant reply from the owner of the cave Mars backed off a little while he listened to thundering footsteps coming out of the cave, looking up at the giant bear that came out from the cave Mars felt that he might have been a little too cocky but still asked

"...so how about moving out and letting me live here?"

the bear walked out the cave and stood up on its hind legs, now standing over 10 meters tall and 6 meters wide it gave its response


Mars rushed out dodging a lightning-fast paw strike form the bear he jumped its arm and ran up to the head of the bear

"I did ask nicely"

activating his [Energy: discharge] class skill with 20 units of kinetic energy while resting his palm on the forehead of the bear Mars braced himself


Mars got blasted off back into the air as the bear's skull imploded splashing blood and brain matter onto the surroundings, landing in a tree Mars grasped his aching arm while looking at the headless bear falling over right in front of the cave



it felt like a small earthquake when the giant headless bear fell over and hit the ground, after jumping down from the tree he had landed in Mars walked past the bear corpse and stopped in front of the cave

"...god that smell"

Mars felt like he hit a wall of animal smell when he got close to the cave, wondering what to do for a second Mars summoned his flame and hurled it into the cave to burn the source of smell away, while the fire burned Mars mumbled

"that is permanent shelter... next on the list is building up supplies and then searching for some sort of civilization"

Thanks for reading! :)

feel free to ask if there is anything you don't understand

also 10 chapters! :D

next chapter Friday hope to see you then

zad1333creators' thoughts
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