
Thea's Birthday {Part.2}


I walked towards the side gate because that's where Thea told me to come through. Mark waited for me before he walked in. There were only a handful of people here, a few of the dancers from the bar I recognised but didn't remember the names of. Thea's friend that had been stabbed by her other friend. Drew wasn't here and neither was BM which I found a little weird because I thought they were best friends?

"Okay, so you showed up. Can we leave now?" Mark commented.

"No, look a table of food," I shooed him away as Thea walked out the back door.


"Oh look, Jackson brought his douche," I heard Charlie comment, no surprised she was dressed like a girl whose favourite accessory is a pole.

I rolled my eyes making my way over to the snack table, some other guy was also standing there.

"Hey," he gave me a weird look.

"Hi," I nodded.

"How do you know Thea?" was he trying to make casual conversation?

"I don't," I shrugged.

"Party crashing?" he joked.

"Look's that way, I just stole this bandana off some guy as I walked in," I retorted.

"Your secret's safe with me, you should try those cupcakes, they're so good,"


"Do you know many people here?" he asked.

"Just one, but he's a little busy right now,"

"You can come chill with me if you want? Saves you standing there like a loner. People might realise that you've party crashed," he smirked.


Doobin was giving me sex eyes across the garden, I looked away as quickly as I could, with Thea distracted by Jackson I felt a little like a third wheel which made me want to walk away. But I didn't trust myself to do that either. Where was Yuri?

Anger surged through my body at the sight of Mark sitting and talking with Sam. Who did he think he was? Sam is my best friend, and I hate Mark. It's not like Sam hadn't heard about Mark, he was there when I was venting to Jae, why was he talking to that idiot? My anger turned into frustration which only fueled the desire to have sex, especially with Doobin.

"Sorbet," I turned to Thea.


"Sorbet," I repeated.

"Uh, you know everyone right? I'll be right back, I just have to deal with something," she smiled at Jackson who just nodded, apparently not at all finding my sudden interruption weird. I would have judged him for it if I wasn't so busy judging myself for having to find a cockblock so I don't sleep with a 19-year-old.

"Dude," Thea frowned at me once Jackson had walked away.

"What? The Sorbet was your idea, and Doobin being here is your fault,"

"I've rung Yuri, twice, he's not answering and I offered to uninvite him, you're the one who came up with an excuse to have eye sex with him all night you sick freak,"

"Well, you don't just sit an addict in front of a table of cocaine because they say they're sober and it's fine,"

"What's he cut with?" she asked thoughtfully.

"What?" I frowned.

"If he's cocaine, what is he cut with?"

"Can you take this seriously?" I huffed.

"You're cocaine addiction?"


"Sorry, I'll try and call Yuri again,"

"He better have a good reason for being late," I sighed looking around the back yard. Haka was coming through the gate with a girl and an orange hair guy who was super attractive.

Haka was coming through the gate with a girl and an orange hair guy who was super attractive

"He's still not answering," she shrugged.

"Have you slept with him?" I pointed at the orange hair guy.

"Haka?" she frowned at me.

"No, the guy with the orange hair,"

"Oh, not to my knowledge," she shook her head.

"That's not exactly reliable,"

"Dude, I don't even know who he is, he's probably friends with Haka" she shrugged.


"Okay then," she nodded walking over to the guy, she said something to him, he seemed surprised but nodded. She grabbed his wrist and dragged him inside.

Haka walked over to me with the slim attractive girl, I was assuming that she was his date. She was really pretty. I wasn't sure why she would date Haka, not that he wasn't attractive, he just wasn't on her level of attractive.

"Hey, where is BM?" Haka asked.

"Not here, why?"

"Because I brought him a date, that stick up his butt needs removing. By the way, this is Somin, This is Thea, the birthday hoe," he introduced up.

"Happy birthday," she smiled sweetly.

"Thank you, I don't know when or if BM is going to show up. But you're both welcome to join the party, enjoy," I smiled finally getting myself my first drink.

I may have drunk it a little too quickly, like 30 seconds quick, but it was my birthday, I was supposed to be at least a little tipsy by now.

"Hey!" I heard Benji's voice, I turned around as I opened my second bottle.

Benji was walking in followed by McKay who seemed sulky and a little less himself than normal, Dabit, and Cory. Those four had become pretty good friends, they hang out all the time without me which is rude considering I introduced them.

Those four had become pretty good friends, they hang out all the time without me which is rude considering I introduced them

They were all dressed really well, but Cory was so attractive it took me a minute to form a sentence. Which was a little embarrassing because even though he is attractive, I don't normally consider him as someone I would sleep with. I completely understood Charlie's thing for a guy in a suit, especially a pinstriped suit.

"Here comes trouble," I commented.

"You're already here," Cory retorted.


"Why aren't you wobbling yet?" Dabit raised an eyebrow.

"This is only my second drink?" I shrugged lifting the bottle to my lips.

"Well, we have four more on you already, except McKay who volunteered to be the designated driver. Catch up," Benji tilted the bottom of the bottle so I had no choice but to drink it quickly or wear it.

"Dude," I smacked him when he let go of the bottom of the bottle, now that it was empty.

"Another one?" he smirked.

"Take your tipsy friend and go away," I instructed Cory.

"On it, but first you have to have a shot with us"


"Does she sleep with everyone?" Mark frowned at Sam.


"Really?" he pointed at Charlie who was escorting an orange-haired guy into the house.

"You don't know they're going to sleep together. Charlie's not the type," Same defended her.

"Mark," I frowned.

"What? I was just asking,"

"You're Jackson's friend?" Sam asked.


"Huh," he frowned.

"Guess he heard about lunch," I smirked.

"I wasn't the only one being a dick,"

"So you admit you were a dick?"

"No, I was retaliating to her dickish behaviour,"

"She gets moody before a show, it's the stress. She isn't usually that bad," Sam commented.

"See?" Mark raised an eyebrow.

"He was defending her,"

"Hey!" someone yells, I turned around to see four guys around Thea, one of them basically force-feeding her a drink. She smacked him and they talked then poured shots.

"Who are they?" I frowned asking Sam.

"Trouble," he sighed.

"You said one," she said loud enough for us to hear it, her friends were filling the shot glasses for a second time.


"They like to think they're encouraging Thea to have a good time, really they just help her get drunk so much faster than she normally does. It's not like she needs the help drinking, but when she is at her limit they continue to encourage her. She's not the easiest person to deal with when drunk, but by the time she needs assistance they're long gone," Sam explained.

"Shouldn't we do something?" I frowned.

"There isn't really much you can do if you don't know how she works," he shrugged.

"Can't you do something?"

"Still healing from a stab wound," he pointed at his shoulder.

"Shawn's got her," he nodded to a shorter guy with blue ripped jeans and a white shirt, he sort of reminded me of a T-bird without the leather. He has gotten up from where he was sitting with the rest of the dancers. I remembered him as the guy who was looking after Thea at the bar the other night, a very drunk Thea.

He ushered the other four guys away who had already convinced her to have four shots. She wasn't looking so good. They were fine, they had drunk the first shot but not the other three. They weren't very good friends.


"Go away, it's not even dark yet there is no need to get her drunk so early," Shawn frowned at the boys ushering them away.

"No one made her drink," Benji defended.

"Go," Shawn stated seriously.

"Grumpy," I started as I felt the alcohol starting to hit me which was weird because it didn't normally affect me so early.

"Christ Thea," he frowned wrapping an arm around my waist to stabilize me, he escorted me to the bench seat, probably so I didn't fall and instructed me to not move.

I had an overwhelming tired feeling, which I didn't usually get so early in a night of drinking, but I also didn't normally drink quite so much in such a short time frame.

Yuri walked through the back garden followed by Kiwoo and Minsung. He was over an hour late. He was attractive in a suit, I mean seriously. It's no wonder he is the only guy both Charlie and I have slept with.

It's no wonder he is the only guy both Charlie and I have slept with.

"Hey! You! Come over here!" I yelled.

"You're in trouble," Minsung taunted, grabbing Kiwoo wrist and pulling him away from me.

"Happy birthday," Kiwoo smiled.

"You better have a very good reason for being late," I glared at Yuri.

"Lyolik was sick," he answered.

"Oh gosh, is he okay?"

"I'm here," he nodded.

"Why is she crying?" Shawn frowned between me and Yuri.

"His cat was sick," I pouted.

"He just had a little hairball, he's fine," Yuri assured me.

"Oh, you're on Charlie duty," I stated matter of factly.


"Because," I paused trying to figure out how to tell Yuri that he needed to make sure she didn't have sex with Doobin, without actually saying that.

"She is trying to avoid hickeys," was what I had managed to come up with,


That was the worst sex I've had, Not that it was bad, but compared to the guys I have slept with he was at the bottom of the list which just left the craving for Doobin stronger. Palette cleanser my ass. I left the spare room before he did, the fact that I still wanted to sleep with Doobin made me mad.

I headed outside, Yuri was chatting with Thea and Shawn who was trying to feed her food.

"Where the crap have you been?" I frowned walking over to them.

"Hey! Hey, stop," Thea yelled towards me.

"How drunk are you? I've been gone twenty minutes," I frowned.

"Those four aren't the best influence," Shawn nodded towards her 'friends'

"Oh yeah, they're great at creating chaos, not so much at dealing with it later. But back to my point, why are you late?" I frowned at Yuri.

"Hey, I said stop. Lyolik was sick," Thea frowned.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah, but apparently I'm your baby sitter for the night?"

"According to who?"

"Me, just in case your sorbet didn't help,"

"It didn't,"

"Well, now you're in hickey protection,"

"Is that supposed to be like witness protection?" Shawn frowned, I had momentarily forgotten he was here, or at least that he is Doobin's brother.

"Yeah," Thea nodded still laughing.

"From who?"

"No one," I frowned.

"Oh my god, why are you here?" Thea stared at Shawn, the alcohol was clearly taking full effect.

"Someone has to stop you from falling on your face," Shawn frowned at her.

"Why would you stop her from falling on her face? That is literally the only reason I come to her parties," Jae walked through the back gate.

"Why are you so late?" I frowned at him, I had only just realised that he hadn't been here.

"My bass player was supposed to pick me up from work with our stuff but apparently he decided to just come here, have you seen him?"

"Hey bro," the orange-haired guy walked up from behind me. Thea started laughing again.

"Thea, shut up," I frowned.

"But he just came here," she continued to laugh.

"It can't be the first time someone has decided to just leave him stranded," I tried to divert the conversation.

"Please tell me you didn't sleep with Thea?" he sighed closing his eyes for a moment.

"Which one is Thea?"

"The one laughing,"

"No, I didn't sleep with her,"

"Wait, so you did sleep with someone?" he frowned snapping his eyes open.

"Yeah he did," Thea cheered.

"Thea," I frowned.

"Please tell me you're gay,"


"I take it back, tell me you slept with Thea," Jae shook his head looking more annoyed than I had actually seen him in a long time.

"No, I slept with her, I'm Brian by the way," he smirked pointing at me.

"You slept with Charlie?" he glared at Brian.

"That's Charlie?" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Dude, seriously? there are like a hundred dudes here, why him?"

"Process of elimination, take out the ones Thea has slept with, because I work with them, and the ones I won't sleep with like you because ew. All that was left was him,"

"You slept with a ginger," Thea burst out laughing.

"We need to have a conversation," he narrowed his eyes further at Brian before pulling him away.

"Not into orange sorbet?" Yuri asked casually which only made Thea laugh more.


"Do you want a drink?" I asked Mark and Sam who had just been chatting away like old friends.

"Nope," they shook their heads.

I felt a little third-wheeled by those two and Thea hadn't come over to talk to me since I first got here, and she had been both surrounded by people and a little too drunk for me to want to risk approaching her.

On my way over I overheard someone speaking in Cantonese, I automatically turned around to see who was speaking in my mother tongue and if I was just hearing things. I wasn't, a black-haired guy in a black suit was speaking to a guy who was leaning his head on his shoulder.

"Are you Chinese?" I asked in Cantonese.

"No," he replied in English which made me think that maybe I had been hearing things.

"Oh, sorry," I frowned shaking my head.

"I can speak the language though," he stated in Cantonese as I realised he would have had to know the language for him to answer my question.


I watched Jackson sit and join Kiwoo and Minsung in a conversation. Clearly, I wasn't the only one unhappy with the Mark Sam team-up. I continued looking around the garden to see what everyone was doing and if they were enjoying themselves because I knew that would be the first thing Thea asked me in the morning, okay maybe not the first thing, it would probably follow; 'Did you sleep with Doobin?' And 'Did I do something stupid?'.

Speaking of Doobin, I hadn't realised I had been staring at him, he had though because he was smirking directly at me, I say smirking when I reality it was more of a perve glare.

"Hey," Yuri nudged me.


"Unless you're going to go and jump him, stop staring," he mumbled. I would have been worried about Shawn hearing him if I couldn't see Shawn dealing with Thea. Who was a little extra out of control tonight?

"Charlie, can you please get my bag from my car?" He called.

"What? No, I don't even know what your car looks like. I have to check on something inside," I frowned getting up and making my way in the house.

I quickly glanced back at Yuri who hadn't decided to follow me until he noticed me staring at him. He laughed at my dilemma but followed me inside.


Charlie got up and walked inside with her tall model looking, friend. Shawn let out a sigh and instructed Thea not to move, she laughed and mimicked him. he moved all the breakable things away from her and told her that he would be right back.

She has seemed to sober up a bit since all of the alcohol her friends fed her took effect, but that didn't mean she wasn't still drunk. I was beginning to think that being drunk was her resting state.

"So, how do you know the oh so dignified birthday girl?" Minsung asked.

"Uh, I don't really know her, I mean we've been talking for a few weeks getting to know each other but from what I've been heard about her from everyone else, I don't actually know anything about her," I stated.

"I'm going to get another drink, do you want anything honey?" Kiwoo asked.

"I still have one," he smiled.

"What you've been hearing?" he prodded for more information.

"Mostly about her sex life," I shrugged.

"Don't listen to everyone else," he shook his head taking a sip from his beer bottle.

"It's kind of hard not to,"

"Everyone likes to blow it out of proportion, yes she has slept with a few guys, but not as many as everyone else likes to say she has. Not that she really shuts down the rumours, in reality, she has only slept with a handful of guys, it just seems like a lot because she's still friends with them so they're around a lot,"

"It sounds like you know her quite well," I frowned.

"I haven't slept with her if that's what you mean, I've just known her since high school. I used to date Charlie,"

"So, can you tell me anything positive about her?"

"I can, but will you believe me?" he questioned.


"I'm just going to the bathroom," Somin smiled at me getting up.

"Do you know where it is?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, no" she looked a little embarrassed.

"Just go up the stairs, turn left, go through that door and there is a door on your left,"


"Do you want me to show you?"

"Would you mind?"

"Come on," I shook my head directing her through the girls' house.

On my way back outside I noticed Benji was now sitting next to Thea who wasn't really in the best mental state, she leant over and whispered in his hear, I'm sure if I was closer I would have heard what she had said, she's not very good at whispering when she had been drinking. He pulled a face, contemplating what she has just said to him then nodded. She tried to get up, he had to help her. Honestly, he wasn't doing the best on his legs either, they started to head inside. I might be mad at her but she was still my best friend and I didn't like the idea of Benji taking advantage of her drunken state, even if he wasn't so clear-headed either.

I took a step to intervene but Shawn was already in the process, he glared at Benji who seemed to be trying to make his point. Shawn looked mad, almost as mad as he had looked last night when he was yelling at me. Thea seemed entertained by the whole thing, Shawn shook his head lifting her over his shoulder, which was kind of funny because he wasn't a tall guy, he was only slightly taller than Thea. She didn't fight him, she just went limp until he put her down in the seat she had just gotten up from.


"That girl is a mess," Mark commented.

"It is her birthday," Sam defended.


"Dude," I frowned.

"I'm just kidding," he rolled her eyes.

"No, you're not," I mumbled.

"She really isn't anything like you think she is," Sam continued to defend her.

"I would have to take your word for it," he shrugged.

"I'm sure her opinion of you is wrong," Sam commented.

"I would have to take your word for it," I smirked, Mark rolled his eyes at me.

"Oh my gosh, you're here!" Thea yelled across the garden, looking directly at me.

"He's been here the whole time," someone commented, I wasn't sure who.

"Come and sit with me," she tried to stand up.

"You should probably go over there before she decides to try and come over here," Sam stated.

"You think she'll make it over here?" Mark asked curiously.

"No, but she'll try and she'll become very difficult for whoever tries to stop or help her,"

"That sounds kind of entertaining," he shrugged.

"Hey, come sit with me," she called.

"I'm coming,"

"I would think twice about that," Mark commented.

"You should stop drinking," I frowned at him.

"Yeah, I'm the one who should stop drinking,"

I just rolled my eyes making my way over to the table she was sitting at with Shawn. She was staring off into the bonfire that they had started not too long ago, she seemed pretty determined to go over to it when it had first been lit, Shawn had made sure she stayed put.

"Jackson, you're here," she smiled when I sat down next to her.

"I am," I nodded.

"I didn't think you were going to come," she pulled a perverted face.

"He's been here basically all night,"


I woke up sandwiched between two buff dudes, I opened my eyes to the ceiling, Shawn was on one side of me, Austin on the other. I tried to move but they had me pretty securely in place. I'm not really sure why they were both in my bed, I also wasn't sure that them having me sleep on my back was the safest option.

It took some effort but I finally managed to wiggle free, neither one of them moved, one of them, I'm assuming Austin had a box of Advil and a bottle of water next to the bed with my name written on it. It was adorable really, I'm sure Shawn had told him I don't get hungover, no one really believes it at first. I left it there because I was sure one of them would probably need it.

I stretched sliding on my pants walking out the door as Shire emerged from under my bed, he jumped up between the two boys, curled up into a ball and went back to sleep. Closing the door behind me I heard noises from the kitchen like someone was cooking in there noises.

Doobin was cooking away, normally I would have intervened straight away, I hate people cooking in my kitchen, they always do things wrong. But I watched him, he was cleaning up as he cooked, he wasn't using metal in my frypans, he had even washed the dishes that were already there.

"What are you doing?" he raised an eyebrow,

"Watching you, what are you doing?"

"You're a creep. I'm cooking breakfast. Someone was talking about how you would be cooking breakfast for everyone in the morning because that's what you do but you looked pretty out of it last night so I wasn't sure what time you would be up,"

"Charlie doesn't eat breakfast," I stated. There was no way this kid would be cooking breakfast for an entire house of hungover people, this had everything to do with Charlie.


"You don't look like you're going to damage anything," I stated, more to myself than to him.

"Do you want an extra set of hands or are you good?" I offered.

"I'm fine,"

"Okay, don't use metal in my pans and I'll allow you to continue,"

"Don't swear at me,"

"Okay, I'm going to go and wake up your brother," I smirked.

"In a house full of dudes? You really are a weirdo,"

"Like you would turn it down if she offered, and your brothers in this house you sick freak," I stated walking down to my room. Austin had woken up, or more accurately had been woken up by Shire who was currently sitting on Austin's chest getting attention from the cat lover.


"Hey, can you like, get out, and take Shire with you?"


"Because I want to have sex with Shawn," I stated.

"He's still asleep,"

"Not for long, now out you go, and keep a close eye on him, make sure he doesn't get out,"

"I probably wouldn't be a good idea for us to sleep together again huh?"

"No, but Doobin is cooking breakfast,"

"Okay, We're going, be safe kids," he winked picking Shire up which was weird because he never really let anyone pick him up.

"Get out," I laughed.

Next chapter