
The Other Madam Shen (2)

Shen Yi had expected this answer from his grandmother already, but it still surprised him that his uncle had really planned such a thing. For him to decide to give Sun Mingai the ring that was only for the wife of the firstborn son of the Shen, it was still a shocking revelation. 

Neither he nor Lu Xinyi knew what they were supposed to feel over the matter. The woman had caused them a lot of trouble, especially Lu Xinyi. Eyeing his wife at the corner of his eyes, Shen Yi wondered what was running on her mind. 

"So the ring in Xinxin's possession…" he trailed off. 

"…Is still hers. I thought that your Uncle Jin might have lost this ring so I commissioned someone to replace it with the same design. This ring is passed through generations; it was really a pity that I had to replace it with a new one," Matriarch Shen explained. 

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