
Missing You (1)

Lu Xinyi came back home and had lunch with her husband. Her flight was in the evening, and she still had some free time to laze around until her husband drives her to the airport. 

Later, as Shen Yi sat on the couch watching TV, Lu Xinyi cleared the table and sat next to him. 

This seemed to be the first time that they were complete and spent a long time together without worrying over Lu Xinyi's schoolwork and Shen Yi's busy schedule. Since Lu Xinyi would be gone for a month, he decided to cancel and reschedule all of his business trips to accompany the twins at home. 

Shen Yi's arm was around her as they watched TV. None of them was speaking as they had no idea what to talk about. He was aware of today's events, but Shen Yi didn't dare to voice out his questions, seeing how silent his wife was. 

Next chapter