
Within the Fox's Den (1)

When Lu Xinyi woke up, Li Yuren was sitting close beside her while Jiao Jiao kept watch and Fu Rui was nowhere to be found. She sat up and lifted a hand to her face when her dizziness struck her again. She then remembered her husband. Shen Yi must be really worried by now.

"What time is it?" she asked. She remained seated while Li Yuren continued to add more dry branches and twigs to the fire.

Li Yuren froze and stared blankly on her face. Relief sneaked into his face when he saw she looked better than before.

"An hour before midnight," he answered.

"Oh." Lu Xinyi had thought that she'd been sleeping from noon to midnight. "Are you still sick?" She extended an arm to feel his forehead. Li Yuren felt awkward from the sudden intrusion of his private space.

"I'm fine…" he muttered.

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