
Nothing’s Shameful About a Man Looking After His Wife

Shen Yi came back to their suite, but Lu Xinyi was nowhere to be found. Where could she possibly be? Didn't she say she'd be back before lunchtime?

He placed his files on the desk and waited for the delivery of their lunch. Browsing his phone to check his email, he read a familiar name in his inbox. It was a short message from Li Qiao. His brows knitted, clearly not understanding why his ex-girlfriend was seeking him out this time.

The message was short and had nothing of importance in his opinion. Shen Yi deleted the email and relaxed on the couch while he waited for his wife. He didn't like to think that Li Qiao would bring problems for him and Lu Xinyi.

An hour passed, the food arrived on time; and yet Lu Xinyi hadn't. Shen Yi chose to calmly wait for her call. Lu Xinyi would always choose to inform him ahead if there was a change in plans than ditch him without a word.

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