
What has been Seen can't be Unseen

As the clash of the Titanic figures above the wastes of Carcosa continued, Jack watched from the side.

All the while, the two above engaged in arcane close-quarters combat, so too did the spawn of the brothers below fight as an orgy of yellow and purple fluids flow like blood from the fierce war below.

Jack saw during the war of the slimes and squidfaces died, they collapsed and returned to the sludge of their respective eldritch god. Yellow for Asstur and purple for Yoggi.

[Why doesn't the fluids of these dead minions not rise again?] Jack wondered. With some thoughts in mind, Jack lifted his hand, and the light condensed into a golden tube.

[Maybe I should collect some... Samples while I'm here...] Jack thought back to his Library to the slimes and imps held captive he was experimenting with the Tome Yoggi last passed to him.

Jack flew down and weaved through the shield-wall of the squidfaces... Interestingly enough they did not attempt to stop him, nor did they attack him.

Jack scooped up the blood of the squidface, and then produced another vail to scoop up the purple liquid that was giving rise to more squid face, as the form of Yoggi bled above from the brother's brawl.

Jack flew over to the Yellow slime but were met with resistance. Unlike the squidface, these slimes were angered by his presence, as Jack dodged weapon attacks.

[I don't know if I blast these fuckers, will it alert Assface up there...] Jack thought to himself, as he dodged another round of attacks.

With the slimes distracted with his presence, the minions of Yoggi began to gain ground, to which the yellow slimes redirected focus, lest they fall short.

Jack confirmed these created minions had some sort of intellect, as he scooped up two batches of the yellow liquid of Asstur's, both of his direct blood and one of the dead slimes.

ˣˣDo you have everything you want?ˣˣ The numerous sounds of creatures asked, as it shook Jack's mind.

"Ugh... Yeah..." Jack flew back up, knowing now that his actions were seen by Yoggi.

ˣˣThen I'll send you back.ˣˣ

Before Jack could properly react to these words, a wealth of tentacles swarmed him, coating him in a thick transparent wine-colored gel.

ˣˣYou're going to have to forgive me in advance... My brother brought you here in body and soul... So, this might hurt a bit!ˣˣ The laughter of many creatures again sprang from nothingness.

ˣˣI'm not done with my deal! He hasn't said yes or no!ˣˣ Asstur howled over the sounds of war, as his yellow robe turned bladed on the end slicing toward the tentacles that held Jack.

ˣˣHe summoned me! If that's not a no, then you're more dense than Our Father!ˣˣ

ˣˣYOU HAVEN'T EVEN TALKED TO FATHER, SO HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW...! Excuse my languageˣˣ Asstur continued his strike, as the sound of his voice seemed to be carried by a legion of bound victims.

At the last moment, Yoggi blocked the bladed robe with some conjured violet bubble.

ˣˣI'll repair the hole, but it might take a bit of time to settle here.ˣˣ Yoggi spoke again, as the surrounding Squidfaces raved and reveled in the sound of their father. The ecstasy that his voice brought his minions drove them to plow a path through the slimes shield wall and deeper into the Carcosa wastes.

"Can I speak to Asstur before you do whatever?" Jack asked all of a sudden, as both Yoggi and Asstur paused their actions. So quickly did they pause, that Asstur's bladed robe was still posed in the air for another strike, and Yoggi's recoil of a ball of Tentacles come fist was still pulled back for the punch.

On the ground surrounding the wastes, the Slimes and Squidfaces still had their weapons high, but it seemed as if someone or something hit the pause button. Jack could only figure it was the doing of the two eldritch gods in front of him.

ˣˣWhat is it?ˣˣ Asstur asked as if a thousand mufflered voices sounded., as he noticed that Yoggi reciprocated his pause.

"I'd like to pass on your offer. I want to know what makes this dark young so special. I also think it would be a dick move to sell my best friends' daughter, and it's super creep of you to want to pick her up anyway."

ˣˣWell... I appreciate you letting me know, but don't think this is over. I will get that dark young, as you mortals say... By hook or by crook.ˣˣ Asstur continued.

"Thanks for the play, by the way." Jack scratched his bald head.

ˣˣOh... Well... You're most welcome. I'll invite you to the next showing, depending on the dark young... I can see why my brother takes such an interest in you. Now, be gone. I need to finish off my brother once and for all, and take Shub as my wife, and have all the dark young for myself!ˣˣ

Jack clutched his head, as he heard the sounds of battle restart, almost as if they never stopped, before feeling that Yoggi was moving him backwards.

Jack glanced around to see that he was held high in the sky of the worlds between. He could see the galaxies and nebulas, almost as if he could reach out and touch them. Looking down, he saw the long arm of Yoggi that was stretched so long that he could only make out the battle down below as a single dot.

Then... Without notice... Acceleration.

As Jack was slingshotted downward, he heard the passing voice of Yoggi, ˣˣDon't listen to anything you hear as you go down and DON'T look around, or it might drive you more mad, ah ha... hahahahahahAH hahahA AH AH aH AhahahA hAhA hAhA AHahhaAHA!ˣˣ

The laughter of Yoggi and Asstur overlapped as if they heard some cosmic joke that Jack wasn't smart enough to understand. As he processed this impression, Jack plunged through the floor of the world between. The feeling, he felt, could only be described as swimming through pudding, though he would later wonder if this was due to the gel covering of Yoggi, but when he stood on the grounds of the world between it had always felt solid to him.

Bursting out the other side after an unknown amount of time penetrating the pudding-like landmass that was the floor of the world between Jack's vision finally came back into view.

It revealed again... Galaxies, stars, and dark masses... As he was hurling through the void, he had enough time to see that the Dark Mass twisted along and following this dark mass that was darker than the void around it. Not heeding the advice of Yoggi, Jack continued to look and made out a shape... It...

[This is a branch!] Jack could see that the dark mass was a branch, as he continued to follow his sight along the branch to the trunk, and down and down and...

[Fucking?!? Yggdrasil!?] Jack could only name in his mind the name of the world tree, as he watched the stars and galaxy clusters hang from the dark branches of like leaves of a tree.

[Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!] Jack was more surprised that the world tree was the shape of the omniverse than meeting Asstur, as he felt he was somehow touching on some primal truth, that mortal minds might not be meant to know.

It was at this time, that Jack was following the branches, that he looked to the top of the tree. Straining his neck to look up, as he was hurling through the void.

The top of the tree was a massive cloud of something that bubbled. It was at this time, that Jack saw the visage of the Creator.

Numerous names flood Jack's mind with mind piercing pain. Sharp like daggers drove into his mind with each name that came,

[The Daemon Sultan!] "Ugh!"

[The Abyssal Idiot!] "Ugh!"

[The Nuclear Chaos!] "Ugh!!"

[The One that Sleeps within Chaos!] "UGGH!"

[The Deep Dark Cold One!] "OH! UGG! AH!"

Jack wanted to pull his gaze from the center of all, the one above the tree of everything that was or will... The tree planted by the Maddened Lord of All!

He couldn't; He wouldn't!

That sound!? Like the buzzing of insects! Like the nails on a chalkboard! The sound of a Train that's breaking the metal on metal grinding squeal! The sound of a Violated Violin that scraped on the nerves!

Jack could just make out... The infernal flutes of the damned that kept the Blind Idiot God asleep. They too... Looked back, as they held their twin flutes in chains bound to their fleshy sacks that floated within the fields of void above. Jack covered the sides of his head as if he had ears in a futile response to the insane sound come music of the court of chaos.

As Jack felt that there were other things above that were looking down on him besides these wretched musicians, he could no longer look upward, a blessing in disguise.

He plowed through some membrane of something like an acorn on the branch of the world tree, as he burst through to see Images of the Overworld!

Too mesmerized by what he had just witness that he streaked across the sky, like a shooting star to the residents of the Overworld, as a few Gods of the Overworld lifted their heads to see the star, as one God bathed in a wreath of Light wrinkled his brow, as Jack slammed plummeted into the ocean outside, and through the floor of the Overworld.

The ensuing Tidal wave was at a cost of nearly fourteen thousand lives, and the fervent worship of the God of the Sea of the Overworld, as many took this as his anger.

Jack continued his decent, through a Jungle, that he left a crater that claimed the lives of billions of creatures in his wake, through an irradiated wasteland that only saw five creatures die, with only one that was intelligent... He would be missed by his species and claimed that the Gods misaligned them.

Crashing through a world of gears, as a Volcano erupted molten bronze, Jack plowed through it to impact the other side, pushing up larger than normal clouds of dust that would cause the cooling down of their world of clockwork, as steam issued, as a shifting clanking metallic hand rubbed the face of its owner, the God of Gears wondered what cosmic omen this brought to his lands.

Onward down, Jack finally shook his mind to see that he plummeted through yet another world of light and darkness, where no life was lost in his bombardment.

Another world and another world, this time what Jack could see was a world of water, and Ocean endless, as he smashed into the waves and through the long dark waters. The Kraken, The Crab, and the Siren all looked up from their abyssal homes, as Jack plunged threw the world and out the bottom, as the three followed the decent. Each wondered if this was a play from the other.

The roof of the Underworld burst open, as Jack screamed through the world. The Devils looked up to see the fabled shooting star, and their god wondered was this the sign of the end times foretold. The Demons saw the shooting star and knew that their time had come, as they prepared for war. The Vampire Emperor sighed on this throne, as he watched the sky above lighten up, and then darkened just as fast.

All the ghouls scattered in the Underworld licked their collective lips, as their Goddess Hecate so long ago told them this day would come... An unholy pilgrimage to meet her among the Vampires, and so they set out from their dark dank corners of the Underworld.

Finally... On the outskirts of Deagoth, to the West of Saigunrai, where the battle of the Mountain Ape took place, Jack blasted into the ground, rocking the Ruined Continent, causing tremors that were felt as far away as the abyssal's people.

Jack laid in the crater, with his flaming eyes of an otherworldly color flickering while still covered in the wine-colored gel coating of Yog-Sothoth, as he stared up at the rocky roof of the Underworld and dwelled on what he had just seen.

Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!

I hope he didn't see me drooling...


I believe many of you know I run the discord server called "The Void," home of I, the Blind Idiot God, and Wholly Undead the novel! Come by and chat.


Also, it would be super awesome if my great readers would support me on Patreon!


Thank you!

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