
The Prophecy Continues

As Jack's words finished echoing, A golden hue of light surrounded Jack and covered him. It rushed down his arm and to his index finger that was straighten out above Jordan. The light made a small tiny dot in the air above, and then gently fell upon Jordan. As it neared, it expanded into a small circle of light that surrounded only Jordan. He could feel it! Jordan was a washed in ecstasy! That feeling! That warm feeling like when his soul was pulled out! So warm! So Good!

Jordan even issued a small soft moan. It would escape anyone... But Jack.

[The crap was that?] Jack was stunned by two things... Besides Jordan sounding like a girly AV actress. He didn't mutter his light show spell... He simple said the same words. He wasn't going to put on a light show... Why then...? Why did the same thing happen?

Jack pulled back his hand to look at his index finger in puzzlement. The light ended surrounding Jordan, and silence descended upon everyone present.

Interrupted from his thoughts, Jordan cried out, "I feel it! I am absolved" Jordan shook all over, and black tears ran down his face. He lifted his right hand, and a soft golden glow enveloped his hand. Magic power rushed into Jordan. The group present could feel Jordan's magic power increasing. He went from no cultivation to Disciple Rank... Then it broke again to Master Rank! The Light shined around him again, and he broke again to Grand Master Rank!

Everyone present had cultivation present. Everyone but Jack gasped! Even being a Skeletal undead didn't stop Lucius or the Warden from gasping! This was crazy! Unheard of!

Jack and Lucius were cultivators of the Light. Warden Metalhearts of her clan cultivated fire. She was brought up by a family of blacksmiths, so this was their natural process. Guard Daniel though... Guard Daniel cultivated Darkness, just like Jordon, but he had a small family. As he only had public access to cultivation resources, he only made it to Master Rank.

Thoughts quickly flashed in Guard Daniel's mind. He finally dropped in front of The Holy Witch King, and shouted, "I too wish to be absolved! I will scatter my Cultivation of darkness! I wish to Cultivate the Light, and become whole again!"

Jack turned to see Guard Daniels face plant... Exactly like Jordan... Exactly like the Ladies of Jade, [What's with people face planting in this place?]

Jordan had a crazy smile, while Lucius remained silent, it was Warden Metalhearts that was shocked.

For a moment, they felt the magic power of Guard Daniels rise... and then a black mist issued from around his body. They could feel that all the magic power that Guard Daniels had pain shakenly Cultivated dissipated.

"He actually did it!" Warden Metalhearts was stunned. She had known Guard Daniels now for about a hundred years, and knew how hard he worked to Cultivate. She had even caught him Cultivating while he was supposed to be guarding, where she had to dock his pay for punishment.

[Let's see if that light show happens again, without my spell.] Jack thought.

"Fine then. Guard Daniels. Approach and knee. Tell me what sins you have committed." Jack said again in a voice that echoed.

Guard Daniels did want better cultivation... But what he really feared was his sin. He approached and kneeled like Jordan.

"My God-King I have sinned. I committed adultery against my wife. I... I spent a night with the daughter of a merchant here in the city. In my lust I lost myself, but I sobered. I broke off from her twenty-five years ago. I have remained faithful since... Please... If you can..."

Jack ignored the God-King comment, as he spoke, "Again, We are all, as children of Deagoth, and I absolve you as one of these children." Jack then brought his index finger through the middle of the circle, "All is one. Now go and sin no more. Ego... Te Absolvo."

The light condensed at the end of his finger again. The same thing happened with Guard Daniels. He felt warm. The God-King had absolved him. He rose with a proud look, and held out his right hand. He glowed with a golden light.

Just when everyone thought that his Cultivation was going to shoot up like Jordan's the Glow dimmed, and remained fuzzy.

"My God-King... Have I done wrong?" The Guard looked to his Lord, and asked.

Before Jack could say a word, "You much read the books! It is only through worship of the Undead God of Light can you obtain your Cultivation! Come! Come! Read! Read!"

Jordan had stood, and motioned with his hands to the three tomes on the floor.

The Guard looked to Jordan, and a crazy thought entered his mind!

"Please make me your Disciple!" He bowed to Jordan.

"My first disciple! Of course! Kowtow to the God-King three times and then three times to me and I will accept."

As Guard Daniels preformed his action, Jack, Lucius, and the Warden were at a complete loss... None of them knew what was going on any more, this included Jack. He was still thinking on how the Light show spell went off without saying the spell... Could he cast it by thought?

"Good, good, Very good! My Disciple! Read, read!" Jordan picked up the tomes, and passed the first one to Guard Daniels" The disciple in returned held the tome as if it really was a sacred text.

"Well... What do We do with Jordan Grimnight now?" The Warden asked.

"I wish to change my name! I wish to be known now as Jordan Lightborn!"

[Lightborn? Isn't that what I said... Speaking of which... Who told him I could absolve undead???] Jack wondered to himself. It had only been a day since he had absolved the Ladies of Jade.

Everyone looked to The Holy Witch King for an answer. Stirred from his thoughts again, Jack spoke, "Lucius... Find somewhere safe for Jordan... Lightborn to stay."

He could only say, feeling slightly helpless.

"I will follow my master!" Daniels spoke up.

"Guard Daniels, I don't care what you do on your time off, but you still got another six hours on duty." The Warden looked hard at the Guard.

"I quit. I will follow my Master. I follow my God-King." Disciple Daniels spoke firmly.

"Wha?" The Warden was again at a loss... She was slightly stunned when Guard Daniels spoke of adultery... She never heard or seen rumor of it, but now he quit. He was a decent guard, even if he did Cultivate on the job.

"Fine! Lucius, take care of him too... And don't call me a god!" Jack turned quickly as he left, feeling slightly upset. He wasn't a god. He felt painfully clear on this point.

[Hump! If I was a god, I wouldn't of choked to death on a microwaved dinner! WHAT GOD CHOKES TO DEATH ON A MICROWAVED DINNER!? HUH!?] Jack howled in his mind.

His robes fluttered, as he started on the way he came in, Lucius followed close behind. The Warden left behind, "What do I do with these two?"

Jack's voice echoed back, "Their free to go... I've absolved them of sin. They are guilt free now! The Grand Minister will send someone for them... Just... Keep them here for a few more hours."

The Warden seen The Holy Witch King and the Grand Minister ascend the stairs and leave. She looked back at these two, who had one of the tomes open and were reading like mad men.

"...This is why I don't go to church..." She sighed.


Jack left Lucius to make council with the Archbishops. The mad man Jordan... Lightborn had caused quite a stir between the two. Lucius stated he would take care of this.

Jack wanted to speak to Leslie one more time, before he left for his Library.

[Leslie... Do you have a few minutes.] Jack asked.

[If it's important, I always have time for you. Do you want to meet, or is it something you can just tell me?] Leslie asked, wondering if Jack wanted to go another round before he left to Cultivate.

[Leslie... Do you know anything about the mad man I just met?]

[Jordan Grimnight?]

[He's going by Jordan Lightborn now...]

[Like Mom's handmaidens?]

[They are going by Lightborn now too?]

[Yeah... They changed their names last night. Mom was just telling me about that, when I visited her for lunch.]

[Did... Did they talk to Jordan?]

[...I don't think so... Why?]

[He knew I was able to absolve him, and changed his name to Lightborn... Without knowing about it... Something's weird about that don't you think?]

[I have no idea. That is strange.]

[I, uhhh... I absolved him, and he can now Cultivate the Holy light... He's wrote three tomes on worshiping me as a new god, and has a new Cultivation method based on it.]

[Did you say... Worshiping you as a new god?]

[Yeah... The Undead God of the Light... If I remember correctly.]

[You know, I've been meaning to tell you something I overheard Emily singing the other day.]

[Were you spying on her?]


[I get it, I get it! What was it?]

[It was some kind of prophecy saying she was suppose to marry you and you were the new god of the undead. We should actually talk to her about this.]

[...I think you're right... I'll go right now, are you coming?]

[Ugh... Unless it's a emergency, I'd rather continue what I'm doing.]

[What are you doing, exactly?]

[Well... I'm currently in the north with my handmaidens spying on the Heretic Tribes and Warmarshal Micheal... I think you're right. There are some plants in the tribes.]

[The north!? How did you get there so fast?]

[... I'm a banshee... I can fly really fast...]

[Why didn't you visit me for a whole month then, while I was on the road back?!]

[I didn't want you to know I was a banshee!!!!]

[Oh... Right.... Wait... If you're in the North, how can I talk to you there?]

[My body is in my room. It acts like a nexus point to my soul that's in banshee form.]

[Well... Just be careful. I love you... I want you to know that.]

[Jack... I love you too.] Leslie had a sweet feeling spread throughout her banshee form, as she observed a certain tribesmen talk about the new priestess of the three gods.

Jack ended his conversation, and headed to Emily's room.

Voidmirage here!

Double Chapters today!

A fan donated to me, so today I am uploading two chapters!

Thank you to my all my fans, and donations.

Happy Friday!

Voidmiragecreators' thoughts
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