
Streaking Across the Skyline

Verruca had looked into the sky the moment Jack unfurrowed his wings, but couldn't make out his form. She could only see a flash of light. She had just finished getting information from War Marshal Aaron. After seeing this spell work, she assumed it was created by Jack. Who else could manifest a Holy Hymn this large. She was trying to get a message to him, but he had gone far beyond her range. Her failure to message Jack left her anxious.

[What in the abyss is he doing...?! Why can't I message him?] Verruca had become livid, caused by her worry, and her expression was seen clearly by all the military stationed at the Saigunrai barracks. These military members took only a few seconds to scatter to the four winds, making themselves busy. It wasn't for them to know what had happened.

Verruca went to find Lucius, while making her way to the palace she found a large gathering in front of it.

"Grand Minister..." Verruca called out, as she spotted him at the steps of the palace.

Lucius looked over, and waved her over, so she went over in large strides. As she was approaching, she saw Leslie shaking her head.

It was known that the City Defense was Verruca's position while The Holy Witch King wasn't available, and she would leave it to her subordinate, when she was out to war.

"What was that flash of light?" Verruca asked Lucius.

"That was... His Grace... He just flew over to Souigak." Lucius spoke with tiredness in his voice.

"HE WHAT?!" Verruca was feeling a flood of mixed emotions. Anger, fear, and shock.

"He just took off."

All the citizens that were watching the horizon where The Holy Witch King just departed, were discussing various topics. Now that Verruca just caused a wave of light from her shouting, they had all backed up until they arrived at the edges of the town center. They stared at the now alone Grand Minster, Consort, and War Marshal.

"Why did HE go?!" Verruca had actually dropped The Holy Witch King's honors.

"About an hour ago, I told him that Consort Leslie's Mother is in Souigak. I can only assume that he has gone to bring her back here."

"But why did he go himself?"

"Well... I guess he is the fastest to get there, as he can fly."

"Speaking of which... When did his Grace reach Emperor rank?" Verruca finally asked.

"I guess when we got that light show about a month ago."

[Why didn't he take me with him? He needs a guard!] Verruca was thinking about Jack's defense, but if Jack was Emperor rank, there wouldn't be many his equal in the kingdom. After considering that he was Emperor rank, Verruca calmed down.

After Verruca's twenty questions Lucius asked for her, and Leslie to go to his office to talk, leaving behind the various undead talking and exclaiming that The Holy Witch King just flew away from the City. They wanted to know when did he get powerful enough to fly, and what had happened for him to leave . The last time he left, he destroyed six armies in the defense of the kingdom, and fell into a deep sleep that lasted for a thousand years. In fact, he had only just woke up a month ago...

Through the court room and through the palace, he led them to his office. As always waiting for Lucius' return, Hand Servant Shane spoke, "Welcome back, Grand Minister. Good evening, War Marshal Verruca. Good evening, Consort Leslie." Shane made a noble's bow, then opened, and led the three into Lucius' Office.

"Should I bring any burnt offerings?" Shane asked Lucius respectfully.

Lucius then sat down at his desk, and asked, "Ladies?"

"Sure." Verruca said as she fell into the only couch in the room. The couch groaned under the weight of her muscular body. Leslie walked over and took a padded seat to the side of couch Verruca had assaulted.

"...I'll pass." Leslie said with a weary voice. She was never into drink or smoke.

"Understood." Shane went to the side cabinets to prepare the burnt offerings, Holy dust as per the standing order.

A few minutes later, Shane had returned with two censers of offerings, and sat them by Lucius and Verruca respectively. He then excused himself from the office.

After a few in takes of the Censer's burnt offerings, Verruca stated, "Alright you two... Why did The Holy Witch King just jump ship, and hauled ass to Souigak for your mother? Further more, Why aren't you two tripping over yourselves to bring him back, or escort him... anything?" She was livid, the last time Jack went out he went into entombment for a thousand years... Would he come back like that again?

"Well, if he is Emperor rank, I feel assured that nothing will happen to him." Lucius replied, while thinking, [As long as he doesn't run into anyone from the Mafioso.]

Leslie was being uncharacteristically quite.

Verruca was still vexed. She noticed Leslie being silent, and day dreaming. "Leslie, Why are you spacing out? His Grace went out to bring your mother back, and you haven't ex...?" Verruca stopped mid sentence, as the reason dawned on her.

"Your clan also plans to assassinate your mother?" She asked.

"Jack says so." Leslie replied while viewing the floor. She didn't even bother to add The Holy Witch King's honors to her speech.

Lucius felt troubled by this. He was big into etiquette, but decided not to say anything considering everyone here already knew his Grace's name, even if he wouldn't say it in front of these two without prior consent.

"Why did you let him go then? He could of just ordered for her to be brought back." Verruca was getting increasingly aggravated.

"I.. I told him I wanted my parents... Both my parents... This is my fault, maybe I shouldn't of asked him..." Leslie's voice started to crack.

Verruca stood straight out of her seat. "You asked Jack to bring both your parents to you? Why did you ask him to do this personally? Is this some show of love he needs to complete for you? Do you think you deserve The Holy Witch King's Love?" In her agitated state, Verruca had started jumping to conclusions.

Leslie looked up at the towering Verruca, "What? No! I asked him to bring them to me. I didn't ask him to do it. It never occurred to me he would do it himself. He's never done anything like this before. What makes you think I would want him to put himself in danger... Wait..."

Leslie's eyes opened wide, as Verruca realized what she had said. Leslie also stood up, "What do you mean by that last comment? Do I need to remind you, it was The Holy Witch King that declared me as his consort."

Lucius not only became the bystander, but also felt that he was caught in a typhoon... [Sigh, and this is why I brought them inside.] He felt that this might happen. Verruca had a temper, that she tried to crib. Lucius knew this, and he had already seen how protective Leslie was of Jack... Now that he seen fire shooting between the two, he could only blame Jack for leaving him behind to look after them. How he was going to let him have it when he returned.

"Ladies, please calm yourselves. Please don't forget where you are, and more importantly who... you are."

Both ladies had been verbally quarreling as Lucius had been thinking, but both stopped at his word, as they looked over to him.

Both Leslie and Verruca were panting, but sat back down in their seats.

Verruca just realized she lost her composure and made herself look like a fool in front of Lucius and Leslie. She tried so hard her whole life to look dignified and strong... All for that dunce, and this was what it got her. She couldn't take it any longer. Her face turned dark from embarrassment.

"I think I've had enough burnt offerings for a day. I need to go check with War Marshal Frostgard, for her preparations for her campaign." Without waiting for either Leslie or Lucius, she stood up and left.

After realizing she just had a spat with Verruca, Leslie was filled with a variety of emotions. Today was a day many people would feel like this.

Lucius had known Verruca for a long time, as well. Him, her and Jack had all grew up together in Saigunrai, so many years ago. He stared into the wispy smoke produced by the burnt offerings while reminiscing. While he always felt that Jack and Verruca were a good match, he felt that Jack and Leslie were better matched. That was the ship he pulled for, but never spoke aloud. In his opinion... Why not both?

But with Jack choosing Leslie first, this was a clear statement that Verruca didn't have a chance. If she did, she would be named as the first consort. Then again, Leslie wasn't first wife yet, Lucius just thought of this. [Is this all a test by his Grace?] Lucius was clearing reading more into this than there was...

Leslie was left to stare at the door, where Verruca just exited. it was unknown what she was thinking or felt.


[I really should of asked what Souigak looked like...] Jack was thinking, as he was soaring over the rapidly changing landscape. He was far from the light of the Skull of the Sun God, but found that he could see in the dark. It was as if everything was in black and white. It was jack's Cultivation of the Holy Light that allowed him to see this, normal undead would be blind.

Gliding in the sky for so long, Jack had thought over what he was going to do when he landed. The biggest thing he needed was directions to the Elegance Darkness Manor.

Jack had seen many towns and small villages as he passed. Jack left a streak of Light in the sky, that was too eye catching to the many undead going about their unlives. They would all point above and exclaim at the falling star. Many undead that were knowledgeable, would talk about it being a high level Cultivator, while the ignorant wondered how a meteor fell into the underworld.

[Ah, that's got to be Souigak... speaking of which, who named this place?] Jack was falling toward the large city. The city was shaped into a large plus sign, and at the center of it had large spires that jutted into the skyline. At the top of these Spires were large round Glowstones, these Glowstones failed to provide any light on a large scale, but were used more for locating the city from a long distance for trading caravans and travelers. All the streets were lines with glowstone lamps that made the city appear to be in perpetual night, as was accustom to almost all Underworld cities.

Jack figured the best place to start would be to go to the center. He was the King of this place, so couldn't he just ask the mayor of the city? What Jack didn't know was that cities of the Holy Kingdom of Deagoth didn't have mayors, but Archbishops as the head of the cities. When the Archbishops were away to court or council meetings, like now, it was over seen by a rotating roaster of seven bishops. They would take turns heading the city at each court or council meeting.

The city center would of been a great choice, if Jack figured out how to land... [Stupid, stupid... Ack!] Jack was falling increasingly faster toward the center of the city. Out of desperation, Jack hummed out, "Irjirex!"

Jack streaked across the skyline, and crashed down in the town center, with an earth rumbling sound. Dust flew all around the town center, and many small stalls broke down in the merchant's quarters from the aftershocks. Large cracks in the town center spread out in a spider web.

From this dust cloud, light shown from the epicenter. Many undead shielded their eyes when gazing at this foreign invader. This event had drawn many merchants, officials, and citizens. As soon as the streak appeared on the skyline, the militants were scrambled, and followed the light trail until they arrived to see the event's unfolding before them. They were accompanied by the local priests of Souigak.

Jack stood up, and canceled his shield of light. This was one of the spells he had cleaned up before leaving to come here. Even though he had cleaned the spell up, it still consumed a large amount of magic. Jack currently had seventy-five percent of his total power left from his trip here, and his landing.

With the shield of light withdrawn, all the undead could see the Femur Ferula... The priest knew what The Holy Witch King looked like from their studies, and immediately knelt down. The citizens and officials, even the militants didn't know what The Holy Witch King looked like, but they knew what the Femur Ferula was and looked like. This was the staff of The Holy Witch King. They too knelt down.

The Bishop that represented Souigak was messaged, and immediately came forth at a frightening pace. He, too, knelt down while asking, "What brings The Holy Witch King to your humble city? What can we do for your Grace?" Normally, this bishop would never get to speak to The Holy Witch King, let alone see him.

Jack looked over the kneeling crowd. He felt very unaccustomed to being worshiped like this, so he walked over to bishop, and helped him up.

Many gasps were let out by the zombie citizens. The Holy Witch King helped the bishop of the city up! What honor! Many of the other official's eyes glazed over with jealousy, but tried to keep this hidden from his Grace.

"What is your name and title?"

"I am Bishop Johnson, and your Bishop of Souigak." he replied respectfully, [I can't believe I have been so honored by his grace! Maybe I can be next in line after Archbishop Melina!] Bishop Johnson was a geist. A geist was a type of thin zombie that was without eyes or a tongue. Zombie geist were closer to skeletal undead, than zombie undead, as they did not eat or breath.

Jack sent a telepathic message, [Where is the Elegant Darkness Manor?]

Stunned, Bishop Johnson stared at his Grace... [What does his Grace what with a brothel?] It was best left unsaid why Bishop Johnson knew of this brothel. He slowly nodded his head to his Grace.

[Take me to it, and, ah... Clear these... Citizens from seeing my activities. I don't want anyone within seeing distance of the manor.] Jack finished his telepathic request.

Bishop Johnson thought for just a second, but came to the conclusion it wasn't for him to know what his Grace does... if his Grace wanted to have some fun before his wedding with his consort it was his business. He immediately stood, and started shouting orders, "All citizens return to your business, and unlife, I need a team of engineers to repair the town center, I need a group of priests to assist with any property damage, and help with repayment!" He then sent out a mass telepathic message to his priests, [I need four undead-at-arm squads to form a mile perimeter around the Elegant Darkness Manor. His Grace doesn't even want to see a bone gnat fly in; else, may his Grace have mercy on your souls!]

"This way, your Grace." Bishop Johnson started leading Jack, as his priests and militants started their tasks.

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