

After guiding Rick who depended on Yin-Yan Eyes, it didn't take long for Rick to reach the Domain Stage. It looks like the help from the Yin-Yan Eyes for Rick to reach the Domain Stage was far better than he imagined it to be. Rick was truly happy for reaching the Domain Stage just like that. Very Soon Rick went to help others for them to reach the Domain Stage.

After Rick left, Arjun entered the training room. In that other Universe, when he fought Molane, he depended solely on his Divine Power or basic Dao Arts. He had no particular battle skills through which he can defeat an enemy within shortest possible time.

But since he is going against the mighty Assassins Organisation, he don't want to go against them without preparation. If because of some unexpected events, he couldn't kill The leader of the Assassins Organisation or his people within three days of time, then he had to postpone the plans for the future.

He wants to leave this realm only after he destroy me Assassins Organisation from it's roots. So he wanted to learn some battle skills. And the battle skills could be learned only from the Gate of Darkness. Hence he entered the Gate of Darkness!

As soon as he entered the Gate of Darkness, he thought that he will look for a powerful skill that can help him in the battle. But at that time something unexpected happened.

Both his Divine Core and the Soul Core started to shake violently. Arjun was stunned when he saw that.

"What is happening?"

"Why both of my Divine Core and Soul Core are shaking like this? "

Something like this never happened in the past. He don't even know what it is. So he was scared a little.

At that time the shaking movement in the two cores became even more violent. And it started to glow with a bright glow.

When Arjun was worried and didn't know what to do to stop it, a suction force came out of nowhere. Arjun sensed that this suction force came from the two Cores. This suction force was not Violent. It was very gentle. This suction force was as if it wants Arjun to go in the certain direction.The direction where it wants it to go.

Arjun thought for a moment and decided to see where his two cores wanted him to go. Arjun walked in the direction where that suction force wants him to go.

At that time the suction force intensified. It was so intense that even Arjun couldn't keep up with it. At this moment Arjun completely lost control over his own body. Arjun thought to leave his conscience. But to his horror, he couldn't even leave his own conscience.

"What the hell? Why couldn't I control my own conscience?" , Arjun was scared at the moment.

As he was being controlled by the suction force, Arjun found that there were places in the City of Yin-Yan where he never visited in the past.

After some time he was guided to a place where there was no buildings at all. He was guided to an open ground near the mountain. There were precious medical herbs and plants which existed only in legends. Even Arjun was stunned to see this.

"Is this place really existed within my conscience?"

This thought rose in his heart. Arjun never explored the City of Yin-Yan to it's fullest. Now he was excited to see this.

As time passed, Arjun found many interesting places which made him really surprised. At some time the suction force slowed down. And Arjun finally gained control over his own body.

After landing on the ground, he found that he was in front of an very very old ancient looking door. This door gave Arjun some ancient kind of feeling. At the left side of the door, it was glowing with pure grey colour. And there was the outlines of an handprint of a left hand. At the right side of the door, it was glowing with pure silver colour. And there was the outlines of an handprint of a right hand.

"What is this door?" , Arjun thought for a moment.

He couldn't open his eyes and leave his own conscience. He knew some insane power is controlling him to the point where he couldn't even open his eyes and leave the conscience. He tried to contact Lord Chaos for the reason of this insanity. But to his horror, even Lord Chaos never replied. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He then looked at the ancient looking weird door. His focus was especially on those outlines of the two handprints. He didn't know what exactly the outlines of the handprints means. So he put his two hands in the middle of the outlines of the two handprints. To his surprise, the outlines of the handprint perfectly fitted his hands.

When he was wondering what this means, the outline of the handprints glowed with red colour. Immediately Arjun was sent flying around 10 meters and crashed on the ground.

Arjun got up from the ground. He looked at the door and was stunned for a moment.

[What the hell is this door?]

[It's within my conscience. And it accepts only my handprints.]

[When I put my hands on it, there came a red glow. And then it threw me this far.]

[What exactly is this door?]

[And where exactly it leads to?]

Arjun slowly walked towards the door. He looked at the door once again. He didn't take any action. He knew that it is pointless to put his hands on it once again.

This time he used his Yin-Yan Eyes. This time the result was in his favour. The Yin-Yan Eyes showed that the grey colour on the left side of the door was releasing pure amount of Chaos Energy. And the Silver colour on the right side of the door showed that it is releasing some kind of pure energy.

[On the left side the grey colour released the Chaos power.]

[This Chaos power is extremely familiar to me, as my Willpower originated from the Chaos power.]

[And on the right side the power that I sensed, well it is extremely familiar to me.]

[This silver light.. it actually releasing the Soul Power?]

[This power is something I sensed when I trained in Soul Core.]

[That means, on the left side of the door, the grey energy was the Chaos Energy.]

[And the power on the right side of the door is Soul Energy.]

[But the question is what am I supposed to do now?]

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