

Arjun brought Ben and his team to the Pavilion they opened. Ben was really happy. Because he is going to become the Core member of the pavilion. But when he looked at the pavilion main hall, he was stunned. Because it was just a normal looking building which could barely fit all of them. They felt the rest house they took for rent was far better than this.

Ben asked, " Big brother! Don't you think this building is so small?"

Arjun said, " So what were you expecting?"

Ben said, " I mean there is no place for market. There is no buildings for other supporting occupation. There are no basic things which required for a pavilion. There is just a building which fits us just barely."

Arjun smiled and said, " We just opened a pavilion. Do you really expect a customer immediately to come? Even if a customer comes, do you think we are in the position to receive his request and fulfill it? In our pavilion only I could create things related to supporting occupation. What can I alone do in a pavilion? So first we need to know among you people who are interested in the Supporting occupation and who are interested in the Combats."

Ben said in embarrassment, " Oops! I forgot. You are right big brother! I forgot."

"It's alright!" , Arjun said, " So who are interested in the Supporting occupation, please stand on one side. And who are interested in combats, stand in other line."

Allen asked, " But big brother! You gave us the ability to train in both. Is there a need for this?"

Arjun shook his head and said, " You need to start think deeper Allen. Think what happened in the past. What made you people leave the Galaxy pavilion and join me."

Allen asked, " I don't understand what you are saying big brother!"

Arjun explained patiently, " I am talking about those bandits whom we have encountered. Didn't you find something strange about them?"

Allen, Ben and Craig looked at each other for a while. Then they looked at Arjun and shook their heads slowly.

Ben said, " No. Big brother! We didn't find anything strange about them."

Arjun shook his head and said, " You people are way too naive. You are the core of our pavilion. You need to have knowledge in the politics. I always believe in one thing very strictly. Don't look at the things what you see on the surface. They are just things which your opponent wants you to see. Try to peak at the things which your opponent didn't want you to see. Only then you could survive in this world. After all, you people are no longer those delivery boys in the Galaxy pavilion."

Ben and others were stunned. But they knew Arjun was right. Ben admitted in his hearts that they are really naive. They are way too straightforward. They couldn't scheme around like others.

Ben said, " Big brother! Please tell us what are the odd things you have found about them? We will take your explanation as a lesson and try to learn from it."

Arjun said, " Fine. Then listen to my explanation very carefully. Because it might affect your future in any way."

Ben and others became serious. They started to listen with utmost concentration.

Arjun said, " First of all let's discuss about those bandits. Those people's outfits definitely looks like a bandit's for sure. But the first thing that I felt odd is their knowledge."

"Knowledge?" , Ben asked.

"That's right!" , Arjun replied, " Knowledge. The leader of the bandit's group has very good knowledge in sealings. Or else how would you explain him breaking the seal on the painting of Princess Shayana?"

"That...." , Ben didn't know what to say.

Arjun said, " The second thing is their fighting skills. They are well trained, disciplined, and knew what their roles are. That Formation that they have put to defeat me, is of high quality and powerful one. It shows that they have knowledge in Formations too. If they have knowledge in both of them, then why would they become a bandit group? They could easily earn money by any other means. But they didn't. Because the one who have this kind of knowledge is those who fights in the wars constantly. Like military or mercineries group."

Ben was stunned. He said, " Big brother! You mean those bandit group might be from the military or the mercinary group?"

"That's right!" , Arjun said, " They clearly used the disguise to fool us. Well, I thought my guesses might be wrong. Because nothing is certain. No matter how wise I'm, even I make mistakes. But the thing that happened in your Galaxy Pavilion supported my hypothesis even more stronger."

"What is it, big brother?" , Craig asked.

Arjun said, " That fifth elder became in charge of the Galaxy Pavilion in the absence of your pavilion lord. Your fifth elder told us that the Pavilion Lord, Vice Pavilion lord and the first four elders have gone in order to calm the anger of that customer. Don't you feel anything fishy here? I mean for the top six of your pavilion to personally pay a visit to that customer over a mere painting?"

Bella said, " Maybe it's because the reputation of the pavilion was on the line. It might be the reason why they all went personally?"

Arjun shook his head and said, " It's just a small painting all right? They could have sent one of the higher official in order to maintain peace between the Galaxy Pavilion and that customer. They could have offered him another painting of Princess Shayana for free. They could have given discounts for next three or five transactions. But the top six of the pavilion left immediately on the anger of that customer."

Arjun said, " How long did it take for us to reach the Galaxy Pavilion from the forest? It took us three hours. In these three hours, not only that customer learned about the incident, he contacted the pavilion lord too. And your pavilion lord left with other members in just three hours. How exactly do you think that customer learned about his painting was gone? It is impossible to learn the news in just three hours."

Arjun continued, " What if their is something wrong is going on between that customer and your pavilion lord? What if there is something important in that painting that we don't know? What if that customer is the mastermind who sent those bandits to destroy the painting in order to escape from payment. When he didn't get any response from those bandit group, he knew that something was wrong. So he contacted your pavilion lord and they had a nasty argument. Your pavilion lord is not an idiot. He knew that, that customer is the mastermind behind the destruction of the painting."

Ben and others were completely stunned. Ben said, " But big brother! How could you be certain that, there is a secret hidden behind that painting?"

Arjun took out a sword and said, " Because I got this sword from the remains of that painting. This sword was sealed inside that painting using sealing techniques."

Ben and others looked at that sword and opened their mouths in shock. Their bodies were trembling non stop.

"That sword..." , Ben said, " Holy c*ap! Big brother! We hit a huge jackpot of our lifetime."

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