
Cornering Zenova


Shirley quickly appeared before Zenova Artoria and pressed her attack, sweeping her spear in wide arcs and stabbing continuously every interval, each swing leaving tails of icefire in its wake that materialized into a crystal and fell, exploding into shards but it still couldn't touch her.

'She's almost as good as Natalya. Does she also know Yin Laws!?'

Shirley became more excited, and her blasts of icefire from her spear became more lethal, aimed with deadly accuracy. When Shirley increased her pace, Zenova Artoria narrowed her eyes and switched her movements.

Her feet that were clad in crimson-silver lightning abruptly soared with crimson-gold flames, instantly fusing to turn into black-crimson energy wave. It was like a wave of calm energy had turned infuriated, cackling with a thunderous and explosive noise that made Shirley's soul-heart skip a beat.

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