
Another Monster

A shadowy figure shuttled across the tunnel, heading towards nine Unfettered Ice Fiends. Level Three Immortal King Stage undulations buzzed across the cave as they shot in different directions, five of them heading towards Rea Tyriel while four of them formed an encirclement, causing a layer of ice to form around them.

'Blocking me to hunt Rea…?'

Davis's lips couldn't help but curve. These creatures sure were intelligent, forming a blockade and all to separate Rea and him but did they think that he cared about her just because he was talking with her?

'Their perception is commendable but their assumptions are wrong…'



Rea Tyriel harrumphed as she saw those Unfettered Ice Fiends target her as they swiftly made their way to her. Despite their Level Three Immortal King Stage oppressive undulations locking her down as icy energy emerged from their claws, she stood in mid-air without faltering. 
