
Fire And Lightning

Jambei landed beside the battle stage as he was sent out after voluntarily giving up. He elegantly floated before looking towards his Ascending Path Sect, looking at their different expressions.

However, there was one person who seemed to be fuming the most.

"This bastard… he gave up again…!"

The Sect Master angrily stood up and pointed at him, causing him to look away as though he hadn't done anything wrong before he panned his gaze through the crowd. Hearing their crazy roars, his heart was set ablaze. They were applauding him, some screaming not to be disheartened as he was plenty strong, causing him to wave his hands at some women when a cacophony of screams resounded in response.

'I thought so… she's special… always looking as though nothing could truly shake her psyche...'

He thought, turning to look at the projection of the woman who defeated him, feeling his heart set ablaze for her.
