
Claire's Decision

Claire noticed the change in her uncle's eyes and her smile widened even more, making the latter think that the former was still naive.

However, the words she said next turned him speechless.

"I didn't say I was returning to the Alstreim Family though..."

Daniuis couldn't help but mutter, "Little brat..."

Claire laughed as she spoke, "How are we supposed to improve ourselves here in this barren territory, especially when we're being chased. It's better if we head to a famous city in the Alstreim Family Territory to make a name for ourselves."

However, behind Claire, the two men were dumbfounded. One was in disbelief that his wife was called a little brat while the other was in disbelief that his mother was called a little brat.

Davis and Logan both had expressions indicating 'What the fuck?' on their faces and even Evelynn was in disbelief, wondering why Claire hadn't killed Daniuis by now.
