
The federation

Time: 1980

Location: Flagship

POV: 'God'

''Administrator 4387, we will arrive at the timeline in 5 minutes, please prepare.'' A servant who is female and looks like a cross between a Human and a Jellyfish said softly.

I stood up laughed, ''Kyle, Kyle, Kyle. Thank you for your amazing work. Now it is finally time to fully administrate and subjugate this Lowly human timeline!''

''WARNING ENERGY BARRIER DETECTED, WARNING COLLISION IN 10... 9... 8...'' The alarm system started up, I shot my Qi into every single ship and grounded them to a full halt throwing large amounts of people and goods throughout the ships. I followed up by shooting an energy burst towards the energy barrier, which the other captains quickly followed.

''The barriers are holding up sir!'' The ship's captain shouted looking at the readings. I increased and focussed the energy towards one of what would be the barrier generator. After a full 30 seconds, the generator buckled under the pressure causing a chain reaction. In the end, the entire barrier faltered and the planet was in full sight. ''Start the broadcasting network!'' I ordered quickly.

We hacked into all frequencies: ''Rejoice! People of Earth! The Federation has arrived!'' I shouted with a big smile on my face. ''We will bring prosperity and security, do not worry, we are not here to cause any harm!'' I continued. After a lengthy speech, I finally ended the broadcast with the note that I will be contacting their leaders and hope they'll be together in 5 hours their time from now.

''Sir, we have found out who is the creator of this barrier, he is a great wild factor in our ability to subjugate the foreign population. I suggest taking him out, but without the ability to lock on due to heavy interferences we don't know how to do it.'' My intelligence officer whispered into my ear so that no else could hear.

''I'll find a way to deal with it, in the meanwhile I'll go back to my quarters...'' I said before leaving the bridge of the ship.

'Werner Von Braun, an intelligent but dangerous man, if I can't convince him to join I will need to remove him from the picture.' I contemplated my actions.

I walked into my quarters and opened a channel connecting with the phone of Werner Von Braun, sadly it was through many relaying points causing me to be unable to pinpoint his location. ''Who is this?'' The man asked cautiously. ''Hello, Werner Von Braun. I am the administrator of this region from the federation and have a job position for you, you're scientist arent you? We have knowledge you could only dream about, what do you say, why don't you work for us instead, instead of that petty organisation? Know, you are just a frog in a well.'' I did a simple and short recruitment speech, ''It does sound tempting Mr administrator. Can I give you my reply in 6 hours from now?'' The man asked without any emotion.

''Of course, my job position stays open for only 24 hours, do keep count. Now if you will excuse me I'll need to handle some current affairs.'' I cut the connection immediately.

''Kyle, I can only thank you for your job, you have conquered an S grade timeline, your name will be hung in the hall of fame for explorers,'' I said softly to myself. I took some refreshments and relaxed for the next few hours, regaining the lost Qi from the last large scale intervention.


Time: 1980

Location: Parliament located in the motherbase

POV: Werner Von Braun

'I sighed at my fate, although I have the backup recruitment I am not that easy to betray my benefactor.' I just watched as the debate raged on. The Military faction support giving Werner Von Braun, the Civil Faction opposed giving Werner Von Braun. This caused a stalemate and the debate kept going for more than an hour.

While Rommel was in the middle of accusing Werner Von Braun of giving new weapons to the terrorist organisation Confed. And while Rudolf was arguing that the fusion energy has giving us many more economic opportunities than ever before. The door opened from it came a man dressed in full black clothing, donning the iconic trenchcoat, but an unknown emblem.

''That you still are talking about such a mundane issue... While you all have been arguing I've started the evacuation process of the most important citizens towards the 4 bunker complexes...'' The man sneered, ''WHO ARE YOU! GUARDS!'' Rudolf in a fit of anger shouted towards the man, ''Now now, no need to get so angry, you are talking to the representative of the Marshall's will...'' The man replied.

''The intelligence agency of the Marshall I suppose?'' Rudolf said with a glint and a hint of fear in his eyes, ''No one will know, but my vote is to keep Werner Von Braun, this makes 2 against one. The voting passes and hence with this, I'll take my leave.'' The man left as quickly as he came.

''It's settled! Rommel go prepare the Soldiers, we are going to war!'' Rudolf announced, pressing a button large on his opened the doors, as soon large amounts of ministers started to swarm into the conference room. I stood up and walked away ready to take the train back to the HQ of my Faction, ''Start preparing full storage and food storage... this will be...'' I heard some faint commands from Rommel as I exited the room.

'My faith isn't misplaced,' I smiled as I thought about those Rommel, Rudolf and the unknown man. ''My next invention will make us win this war, it will be over by Christmas...'' I laughed to myself about the last part. My phone started ringing out of nowhere. ''Hello?'' I responded, ''And?'' The man was clearly the administrator from before.

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