
A Game Of Hide And Seek Part Three

I must be losing my damn mind... I heard her.. I know I did. I saw her... Not like I have in my dreams but I saw her here.. dancing. She looked different though.. am I mistaken? "Rune..." I hear her voice again and I look over but I see nothing. I frantically search for the source... is it her?

It can't be.. I stop and try to clear my head. I must have been drinking too much... It has been two years.. two years dumbass... she's gone. Gone forever. I look up and see Leon and I tilt my head when I see him watching someone with a smirk.

No.. It can't be.. but she was always different.. always breaking the norm.. I snap my head in the direction he's looking in and my breath catches. It's her.. she's alive. My beast rages and I feel my eyes burning with desire... with hope.. with need.

I inhale and I growl... "Synthia..." Mine... I push through the crowd following her scent but growl with frustration when I realize she's been intimately and purposely rubbing against others in the club. Male and female alike. I quicken my pace and I catch her watching me with a smirk. She was playing with me.

Gods she was beautiful.. her hair was no longer multicolored but a dark brown color.. her natural color and her eyes... They were so green they took my breath away. She looked even better... if that was even possible. She gives me a dark smile and if I'm not mistaken.. did I see red in one of her eyes? She slips away again when someone walks past and I find myself growling with anger.

I push the drunk man out of my way and search for her but I can't find her. I look back up but find that Leon is gone. Damn! Someone touches my arm and it feels as if I was struck by lightening. I quickly turn around but she's gone again. I grit my teeth but I find myself smiling.

"Fine my love... if you want to play then let's play.." I growl and I hear her laugh. I growl in pleasure and close my eyes savoring the sound and the feeling that comes with it. I have missed her so damn much.. it felt as if I myself had died that day with her.

I noticed that my blood mark was no longer working and my confusion grows... why were my claims no longer on her? What has happened? You know what... It doesn't matter. All that matters is that she's back and she is mine. I will claim her all over again... as many times as it takes.

My smile darkens as my eyes flash.. I release my inner beast and begin the hunt. The hunt for MY woman.. MY mate... MINE. I start moving through the crowd like a true predator, no longer pushing through everyone but easily gliding through as I lock in on my prey.

Her scent was like a drug causing me to think of nothing but her. This time she won't be getting away.. I shift to the right and nearly grab her arm but I'm surprised by her speed and my smile grows at the sound of her laughter. I begin closing in on her again and this time she runs straight into my arms.

I lock her in a tight embrace and breath in deep, tucking my head into her neck. "Syn.." I say in a strained voice and I hear her say "Rune.. I haven't been gone that long and it seems like you've found yourself a replacement already."

My arms tighten around her and say "Nothing in this world or the other could ever replace you my love.. I don't know how you did it.. but thank you. Thank you for coming back." I feel her arms wrap around me and I pull her closer as the others around us continue to dance. Right now there was only her.. it will always be just her.

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