In the treetop far away...
"Yue, are you sure that we should be staying here? You said to that old man we were going to leave…" A slightly boyish spoke to the other creature with a peerless white fur from far behind.
"Shh, Hun, keep quiet and watch out for me ah?" This time it was a slightly mature female voice that spoke to her brother.
"Fine." But Hun couldn't help but still mutter underneath his breath like a sulking cat, "Tch, but who was the one who said we were going to leave."
To which his sister, Yue, instantly gave him a warning snarl from within her throat. Hun didn't lose to his sister and gave a snarl back. It became a small standoff between the two siblings and both were walking around each other like they were ready to pounce and fight at any moment.
One was in a splendid black fur and the other was in peerless white fur. Both were like yin and yang. They were two separate beings, but at the same time, they were also one.