
Demon Trapper

"You think you can win against me when it comes to monster summoning? How about I show you that you aren't as special as you might think." Jin monologued to himself while he grinned and raised both of his arms. (Maybe he thinks that the Banned Emperor Assassins could be eavesdropping him from a distance, hehe!) 

A dozen portals instantly appeared next to him, in the shape of a circle. Like a sundial gnomon, the 12 portals surrounded Jin as if he was the centre of a clock. Out of those portals came the Valgs. Those horrendous outer world monsters that had once been controlled by Maeve, the daughter of Winter Court Queen.

Similar to Milk and Zeru, the Valgs that appeared also featured a bluish-black aura around them. That aura was actually a part anonymity inscription charm infused with by the powers of the Black Sludge Crystals. The high concentration of that aura should hopefully result in the Demons coming towards them instead of fighting the Royal Soldiers.

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