
Offshore Sea Store/Reef Knolls Bakery/Castle Tower Cafe Instance

Lai Fu who would be operating on the second floor of the Tiangong Tree Mall was quite satisfied with his instance. It was designed to be something similar to a kelong, an offshore platform built mostly with wood and little metal was involved.

By using ropes or rattan, tree trunks and wooden planks were held together within a kelong, but in the dimensional shop instance, the System used something stronger to keep them together. In a way, the kelongs that Lai Fu requested was to create a scene similar to an offshore sea community within his shop instance.

The temperature as per Jin's standard was just the right amount, and the sea waters were calm. Occasionally, there would be a wooden frigate which passed by and provided the kelong with supplies. Even the trucks of his personal suppliers came in via a wide wooden shipping platform. Lai Fu did not go for anything fanciful but something that reminded him of the sea.

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