
A Promise of MR Skeletal

That was Dave's que to enter the set. And he did, walking from behind the stage and into the spotlight. People began screaming and shouting Dave's player's name. Some whistled and some outright fainted.

Dave laughed as he walked to the set and sat right next to Valentine in one of the sofas on the set.

Next to Valentine was warlord, and on their left was White Ghost, and a short stout man, who was obviously Wang Yi. On the left side of Dave was another sofa where Demitri was sitting and next to him was a person of Asiatic features, his expressions were the sourest of the group.

"Mr. David Ruster, or Mr Skeletal, or Kis'Shtiengbrah, which name would you like me to address you with?" Susan said.

"Whatever you feel comfortable with." Dave replied with a nod."

"Then we'll go with the crowd's favorite! Mr.Skeletal, tell us please, why have you refused using makeup, do you have a stand against it?"

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