
Burning Bright

Dave walked out of the cave grumbling under his breath

Seeing Dave's sour mood Ralph approached,"Hey Dave, that was quick, you get anything in the cave?"

"Just more pain-in-my-ass quest shit," Dave said, there was a notification blinking in front of him.


Your relationship with the Holy Church is now: Hostile.

NPCs affiliated with the Holy Church will not speak to you. Church paladins will hunt you if they detect you.



New Hidden Quest: Sacrilegious

Kill three (3) Holy Church Cardinals to obtain the title: 'Blasphemer'

Blasphemer title effects:

Holy attacks do 20% less Damage to the user when the title is equipped.

User does 20% more Damage to Holy Church affiliated entities when the title is equipped.


'Frack! Killing the archangel would have been so much better than this shit. Now I've got demons AND the Holy Church after me. That's just great'

"Let's just head for the tomb," Dave said.

Next chapter