
Fateful Encounter Part 3

The women look at him and laughed and said "I knew you were special as looking at your soul is made from the exact same energy as I am made of."

The soul looked like it was looking at her and seem to want to ask "What is a soul and why the hell did you kill me!?"

She smiled at the soul and seem to know what it was saying and began to explain, "Souls are the consciousness of people and what shapes them. Souls can have many attributes, powers,and other things or just be plan normal. As they are classified in 4 categories such as common souls the souls you see everyday. Then there is an enhanced souls, they are bigger than normal souls can learn things easier and have higher carrying capacity when remembering things, and specialize souls, souls that has a calling for them like attribute affinity or a certain profession like alchemy, blacksmith, or other professions. These souls are one in thousands and can be found no matter what universe and there are souls that are a fusion between both types, but are one in millions. Then there are souls that goes beyond that classification and they are called divine souls. Divine Souls a soul created by the universe themselves and only 1-3 divine souls exist per universe. The types of souls are 10x bigger than enhanced soul and can has high affinity with many attributes or professions in that universe."

She stopped to let him get a clear understanding before continuing and said, "However you soul goes beyond the classified ones as it should been created like me in the Helix the center point of all the universes that exist. Anyways, your soul should be made of pure primordial chaos that many universe were created with so let's call it "Primordial Soul of Chaos" since that what it is made from. Your soul is special as it has only awakened about 30% after coming in contact with me.

Like she knew that he was confused about various things still she explained, "First so you know there exist multiple universes out there in which the people on this planet have discovered some or maybe the correct term would be they have knowledge of them as they wrote them in forms of games, animes, and other entertainments here. You should have saw images in your mind from touching me and from dreams and such. These images are more than likely your previous lives and if your soul have been completely awakened then each life you would remember the other lives, however as it has only awakened 40% so far you only see some of your previous lives and they could be incomplete."

The soul look like it wanted to say "if so why did you destroy my mortal body and separate my soul since my soul is so call "special" and all!?"

The woman smiled and giggled at soul before "I can do whatever I want with you as you are MINE!"She then sat down cross legged on the edge of the bathtub before staring at the souls and continued, "If you truly want to know, it is simple your mortal body is useless as it can not cultivate or anything to become immortal as you see when your so call hero summon to different worlds scenarios most will just be a powerful mortal, but still a mortal in the end and will not have eternal life, and if you want to become immortal then it need alot of things to make the body have a possibility to become immortal plus your body already in late 20's so it is basically useless to me at least. I want you to be with me forever so that I won't be lonely anymore."

"Why me and why can't you just choose other people." the soul asked in an annoyed voice.

"Are you an idiot did you not notice that no one else besides you can see me? I can touch and do things to others, but they can't even see me or anything including those people at the peak of power that I have seen can't see me only you!"

"What and why can they not see you, but I can?"

"Your soul. I said that your soul and I are from the same place the Helix."

The soul wanted to roll his eyes at her, but it had no eyes so it gave up and asked "I know that idiot! I am asking Why can they not see you, but can see me since we are from the same place."

The women went silent at the statement and sighed as she answered him "I am a lifeform born from the Helix or maybe I was a lump of Primordial Chaos Energy that gain intelligence since they have intelligence of their own. I had no race or gender and was just stranded in space as a lifeform. I went to and from several millions of universes analyzing, watching, studying, and coping things everything they did. Finally a questioned popped up Why can't anyone see me, and I thought that it was because I was only a mass with no precise form or anything.

Thinking this I began to think How should I look as I began to change forms looking at myself, but I did not have a precise gender so I thought male and female. After careful consideration I choose to be a female as I started to imagine what I look like. I design myself as a 17 year old girl slight pointed ears like people with faint traces of elf blood, a round butt and a bigger than average breast with silver moon hair and sun like eyes. Finally when I felt satisfied with my looks and saai this is what I will look like from now on something inside of me tingled like it was confirming what I said and I lost the power to transform into anything anymore.

I did not care I could not transform anymore and was happy with my new appearance and decided to call myself Aeris Dreamer. Aeris because I wanted my first name to start with an A like Angel and the name Aeris made me feel fuzzy when saying it so I choose it and Dreamer because I believe that any women would kill to look like me. (First you a yandere psycho bitch and now your narcissistic women, great the soul thought as he continued to listen). However there was one problem no one still can't see me or touch me, but now I can now unlike before."

"Feeling I was getting close I began to search for other methods to allow others to see me and after spending eons, I believed I found a way in a particular universe. I place my hope in Universe # 772395, a universe that was crawling with things called systems that could interact with people they called host and they were governed by the "System Containment Center" where the shops where goods were stored and the surveillance on systems apart of the system to make sure they weren't breaking regulations. I thought that having a system and attaching it to someone can help someone see and hear me so I started to create one myself. Since I could not become a system myself so I took my power and a bunch of soul fragments from destroyed souls and fuse them together to form the brain of the system as it was made from my power I could still control the system even override the brain if I need to. After countless attempts of trial and error I managed to create the system and it "The Dream System" based off me, of course.

It functioned just like any other system where I can raise levels access the shop of the System Containment Center except I was not monitored by them as my system could not be seen by them which caused me to panic and pary that I could at least attach to someone butas expected I could not."

"Knowing that system failed I cut the connection to the shop and took my system and left the universe trying to attach it to people souls, seeing if anyone could see me, or finding a way for people to see me, but to no avail I failed. I had given and try to kill myself, but that failed to. Given up out of boredom, I started to play with my system and find new feature to it. I figured out that I could take people from universes and store them in my system. I then began on a adventure hunt and store people items and everything in my system. This kept me excited for a while before I grew tired and kept me from remembering that people could not see me, until I arrive her.

I saw others enjoying themselves happy and carefree and it started to make me remember that no one can see me and started to cry until you came and ran away from me. When I saw you could see and touch me I decided you were mine and chased after you and here we are."

Next chapter