
Because of Me

While walking fast toward his car, Jack received a text message.

[ust ride straight up the mountain and turn left on the first road intersection. Your men are waiting in the hut.]

. . . . .

In a room. Richard and Clarence finished watching the footage.

"How is she?" asked Richard.

"Got feisty for waking her up." In reality, she was feisty for two reasons. First, because of being wakened. Second, which is the main reason, that was being reminded of the stolen kiss, but he couldn't say that.

"That's good, nothing happened. She slept well. The commotion didn't wake her up. I'm amazed. Such a good sleeper. I can't do that."

"I really thought she was wakened but seems exhaustion caught up with her. I understand this well. I experienced this on my first cooking competition. With this intense adrenaline pumped up cooking for long hours and days in a row who would not get exhausted."

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