
Heightened (2)

"I want to live," she said, her voice thick. "I do. Really. So much. I never knew before—how much. And if you.... kill me, I won't get the chance to live, to change. If I can change. I don't know if I can. Maybe I can't. Maybe nobody can. Maybe we're all victims, me and you, everyone. Maybe it's too late... for all of us. But I'm not sure. I have to find out. Please let me find out. I'm not making sense, am I? I know I'm not. I wish, I wish, I wish I knew what to say...."

"Hush now. You've done fine. Miss Go Ara. The Reaper is well-pleased."

She hitched in a breath. What did he mean by that? Would he let her go? He'd promised he would, if she satisfied him. She waited, tears standing in her eyes, feeling a desperate hope.

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