
The Purpose of the Chimera Project

His most recent conversation with Master Willix implied that she was gradually introducing him to her faction.

Ves had no desire to take part in the power struggles of one of the most powerful organizations of humanity, but if he wanted to survive, he had little choice but to shelter under an umbrella.

As far as backers went, Master Willix and whatever group in the MTA she was a part of didn't sound so bad. Though Ves didn't know anything solid about her colleagues and the Star Designer that was supposed to be her patron, Willix herself was quite a decent and high-minded woman. She didn't look like the sort of person who would join a club that went against her own ideals.

What always struck Ves the most about Master Willix was how she constantly emphasized the importance of serving the greater need by contributing to humanity. She was one of the least self-serving high officials that he had met in his life!

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