
Assassination (1)

Jun Hua accompanied her grandfather playing the chess. She looked at the slightly shaking aged hand of her grandfather. Her hand moved forward and grabbed the old man hand as she peered to his face.

"Don't worry so much, Hua'er. I'm just getting old," Jun Zhenxian smiled kindly and raised his hand slowly to mess Jun Hua's hair. The expression on her face showed extreme concern for his condition. He knew that his granddaughter loved him and didn't wish for him to leave, but he might only have a few months left.

Jun Hua let her grandfather messed with her hair as she sighed, "Don't lie Grandpa. I know about your condition."

Jun Zhenxian just laughed dryly, "At least, before this old bone return to the ground, I want to accompany my beloved granddaughter."

"You can stay here, for now, Grandpa."
