
Heartbreak Part 1

The crowded dance floor was filled with people and there wasn't much anyone could do but follow the beat as they went. Vella slipped out of the crowd, complaining of exhaustion and a worried husband, while Clovis slipped out and walked toward the garden for fresh air. To his surprise, Mally walked up to him. 

"Clovis can you come outside? Please?" Mally asked and he raised an eyebrow. She seemed to be in much better spirits than last he saw her and that in itself was a relief. He nodded. 

"Certainly, I needed a breath of air anyway." He agreed and continued out to the gardens. Mally didn't follow, and he found that odd but perhaps Kyera had sent her. That would be normal enough. Excited that perhaps his wife wanted a moment, he took the steps down into the garden a touch quicker. Looking around though, the garden was empty, but he noticed some cloth on the ground. 

A black formal jacket sleeve poked out from under the bench. Clovis bent down to inspect it in surprise and curiosity. Before he even touched the garment, a cold chill ran down his spine. Clovis turned in time to see a large Bengal tiger behind him, teeth bared as though grinning from ear to ear. Those blue eyes cold as ice and filled with intent. 

It sprung a leap for Clovis' throat as another orange blurr slammed into it. The teeth of the first tiger sinking into the shoulder of the second with a sickening snap. 


Inside, Kyera smelt blood. Her eyes darted around the room. The princess was with the Empress and The baby was on her lap. No sign of Talis or Kan but Lazren was by their side, his hackles up. 

Daxin however was weaving through the crowd to her. It was clear something was wrong. He jerked his nose toward the garden door and Kyera excused herself and hurried toward that sickening smell. Her stomach rolled in turmoil terror started filling her veins like ice. Dred. She knew that smell, that blood… those scents. She knew them well and her heart prayed she was wrong as she burst through the doorway. 

A piercing scream of anguish filled the air, causing panic and Kyera forced her way through the doorway. Mally was there frozen in place watching as the large bengal tiger threw the other  to the side. The discarded tiger's neck was torn open, barely breathing on the dirt.

The next several seconds were a blur. Kyera couldn't change… the corsets and the dress wouldn't allow it. She threw herself at the other tiger, pulling a knife from its sheath on her hip. The tiger had advanced on Clovis but instead a blade drove deep into its shoulder causing it to scream in the way of a wild cat. 

Kyera never realized that scream was coming from herself just as much as the creature she drove her blade into. Clovis had sword in hand now and rushed forward as the creature twisted his hind legs slamming into Clovis knocking him off his feet. It turned on Kyera and lunged. As it did she turned, and tried to avoid and managed to escape the attack but tripped on the voluminous skirts. She fell to her knees with painful thump, but her mind was numb to the pain. The claws of the beast tore at her heart but could not escape. 

Verone turned on her, this was it. She didn't have time to prepare. Kyera didn't flinch as the air rushed toward her but the teeth never closed on her, nor did the claw fall to her skin. She turned when nothing happened and saw him paw raised but claws retracted. He couldn't do it and that realization made him growl louder as Kan and Clovis both advanced with swords in hand. Verone was forced into a corner; back against the woods. He turned and ran as the other guards poured out of the palace. 

Kyera forced herself to her feet and ran to Talis who lay in human form on the ground now. The shadows had dressed him in a guards uniform identical to Kan's without being told. Her hands covered the wound on his throat. She forced power into him but she didn't have enough. 

"Damn it Talis… what happened." She cursed the sky but she could feel his soul. It was slowly gathering at the base of his throat, ready to be expelled with his last breath. Her energy poured into closing the wound. 

A child's broken hearted scream filled the air as no one thought to stop Raina from coming into the gardens. 

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