

The noise made everyone look up, then over at Kyera whose face was beat red. The growling they had heard was from her stomach. She sighed deeply "The baby is hungry." She pointed out and the group couldn't help but laugh. The serious discussion ended almost instantly. It was a bit of a surprise, being as Kyera had never had the tendency to get hungry enough for her stomach to growl. Food was a take it or leave it resource that she partook in only when necessary. However, the child inside her had no intentions of keeping her mother's previously sparse eating habits.

"Come on then, let's get you two fed." Clovis replied chuckling at her little blush. Lazren sighed shaking his head at the adorable couple. It was his first time seeing them openly loving. On one hand, he was happy they trusted him enough… on the other he wished they found another way to show it.

Kyera smiled and nodded farewell to her friends, but Cora turned into a small white serpent and slithered up to coil around Kyera's upper arm. The girl's jewel toned eyes made her seem as though she was a bracelet wrapped around her arm. Clovis put a arm around Kyera's back and began guiding her inside. The halls were fairly empty, since most the maids were in the kitchens and the guards didn't walk the halls themselves. They were posted sporadically at entrances, exits and certain rooms, but for the most part, any royals walking these halls could defend themselves and carried a weapon to do so. If they didn't or couldn't, they had a personal guard who could. There was very little reason to have the hall full of unnecessary people.  That absence brought Clovis to a thought that hadn't occurred to him during the conversation outside. His wife's silence suddenly took on a new meaning that caused a furrow in his brow.

"We have to up your security with the baby and all, you do understand that right? I'm not trying to ignore your feelings, but I need to make sure you and the baby are safe. It's my job as your husband. Normally I am fine with your normal method of one guard and you can take on anything, but right now you can't fight with a baby." Clovis began to explain, honestly a little nervous though he tried not to show it. He was determined, but at the same time he didn't want her angry with him. There were just too many people who might try to take the baby away from them, and he couldn't chance losing either mother or child.

"I know, Clovis. I didn't question it. I felt a little being talked about when I stood  not three feet away but I'm not blind. I saw the type of underhanded things that were going in the palace. I am not blind. If extra guards make you feel better, then so be it." Kyera replied taking his hand offering a soft warm smile. It was a expression of vulnerability and understanding. He smiled back at her, tenderness in his eyes.

"It will make me feel better, my love. I promise I won't allow myself to be blind, if we go back. I will always take care of mine." He promised, the words more akin  to a vow. The thoughtful expression on Kyera's face seemed to deepen as they neared the door into the dining hall. "What is it?" He asked knowing there was something on her mind.

"That's the first time you have ever said 'If' we go back." Kyera pointed out, her eyes asking questions she was not pushy enough to ask outright. He sighed, pulling her close and kissing her hair. He wasn't really sure how to respond, there were so many thoughts in his head right now that he didn't know what to say. A simple slip of the tongue had betrayed him this time.

"Let's get you and the baby fed." He replied gently and just then the sound of footsteps they hadn't noticed before, suddenly stopped. Kyera rubbed her tummy gently.

"Yea, we are both kinda hungry. I would prefer the little cub not make my tummy growl in front of the other royals." Kyera replied shaking her head slightly. Clovis chuckled and hugged her lightly.

"Well Baby is hungry, if we don't want the cub growling in protest, we should feed the cub's mother more often." Clovis hinted his voice gentle and teasing. His eyes danced with merriment as he spoke.

"Baby?" A deep male voice asked, sending shivers down both their spines. This was not how they intended this news to get out.

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