

He waited until the office was void of all people before speaking.

"There has been a report of bones," the Dean said behind his oak desk. He wore his usual hooded coat, gifted to him by Death herself.

"After a fire, bones were all that was left, correct?" I asked him, "bones and a burnt face."

"So you watch the news?" he asked in his hoarse and husky voice of his, his black probing eyes looking at me. He knows that the possibility of me watching the news was much closer to zero than most people living in a well of society.

"I suppose so," I told him.

"Then you are aware that another vampire has arisen?"

"There isn't room left in my forest."

"I'm sure you can make some. Besides, didn't you just kill one a few days ago?" he asked with narrowed eyes. I'm sure he believes that I've gone too far. It seems like he hasn't grown out of his compassion yet.

"He was growing too powerful," I responded to him. On normally, a vampire wouldn't dare touch me unless they are confident of their powers.

"You mean his ego was growing too powerful," the dean responded.


"It's those that say nothing that are the most dangerous."


He sighed giving up on me as many do and said, "will you accept my request?"

"What request?"

"The request in which you'll imprison the vampire."

"Is it a request?"

"No, it's an order," he finally relented, striping the truth from it's sugar-coated shell.

"Then I have no choice but to obey," I responded.

"If you've seen the news then you'll know that she is in Kansas City."

"I'll find her tomorrow night then," I replied to him.

"You start tonight."

"I'm afraid that's not enough time."

"She'll only get stronger by the hour."

"Perhaps I'll remember regret if she overpowers me."

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