

The light inside the forest slowly dimmed down before a foot softly landing on the ground was heard. The feet grasped the feeling of the earth as the hands closed and opened— grabbing every feeling in the cell and the air surrounding it.

"They are still intact," Lyon smirked.

Rayus grinned with his eyes mixed with brilliance and happiness. He could feel the lost energy surging back toward both of his arms as he willed it. His potential had returned.

"Yaaaa!!!!" Rayus scream toward the sky with veins challenging the skin of his neck.

"Alright, alright," Lyon gestured to him to keep the voice low. 

"R-Right, sorry," Rayus made an embarrassed smile before his brows furrowed, and put one knee on the ground. His head bowed, before he said under his breath, "Thank you, teacher. I owe you my life."

"That's overboard," said Lyon. "However, I will take it— stand up."

Rayus nodded before standing with his chest upright. 
