
A Trap?!

As she heard the ding of the elevator arriving at the floor she was going to, Qiu Yue started to reconsider her decision.

Maybe coming here alone wasn't such a good idea...

It may be a very posh auction house, but right now the lights in the corridor were dim, casting shadows on her surroundings. There were places that the murky, yellow light couldn't reach. Normally this would've left a mystifying antique-like atmosphere, but for some reason, Qiu Yue felt uncomfortable and a sense of foreboding anxiety stifled her.

Taking a deep breath she squared her shoulders. There is no point in being worried after coming all the way here!

What Qiu Yue hadn't realized was that every move she made was being watched.

Chiang Jin's eyes narrowed as he listened to the report from the chief of security. Bao FeiYin had a lot of freedom here, most of her orders were followed without restriction, but to think she had let someone use an entire floor? Even letting him monitor it using security cameras?

No matter what there was something wrong going on here. Calling the police was not easy, this was related to Bao FeiYin after all. If this was pushed onto her or if she turned out to be the culprit?


The security here was tight, due to the pressure faced in the deals the auction had.

While harnessing his not so righteous intentions, Chiang Jin rushed upstairs.

Qiu Yue rang the intercom in front of the room and almost immediately two rough looking men stood in the opened doorway. Her expression didn't change, but alarm bells were constantly ringing in her heart.

"Please come in."

Their words were polite but they had a sick lecherous look in their eyes and the way they smiled showed that they were anything but polite.

Her eyes turned into slits as she glanced coldly at them. Nothing here was right, clearly, this was a trap. She lightly stepped back but a hand shot out and gripped her wrist, it felt like he was crushing it and pulled her forward.

Qiu Yue didn't have much strength but she did know some ways to defend herself, she just didn't know if it'd be enough. She elbowed him sharply under his chin and he cried out before stepping back. The other man glared at her and hit her square below her chest, knocking the breath out of her, slamming her against the wall.

Even before she could do anything, someone held both her wrists together pulling them up and ripping open her shirt, she didn't move and it was like she was frozen in place, but when she looked to glare at him she finally saw the crazed eyes grinning voraciously.

Wang Xi couldn't stop his face from twisting into a grin.

He finally held the reason for all his problems with his hands. He could crush her, he could cage her and she couldn't do anything about it.

His fingers touched her jaw gently at first but as she tried to move away his touch became forceful enough to leave bruises as forced his mouth upon her. The more she struggled the more he wanted to cripple her wings, take everything away.

He bit her lip, taking pleasure in the taste of the blood that followed.

Shifting his hold from her jaw to her collarbone, he started to squeeze it cutting off air to her lungs. Her eyes remained cold, full of disgust even as she struggled for air.

He laughed lightly, loosening his grip moving his lips to her neck and Qiu Yue couldn't stop herself from shivering in anger.

Thinking that she couldn't do anything, he eventually let his guard down and this was the moment she struck. She sharply rammed her knee in between his legs, and as his grip on her hands gave way in surprise she jabbed his neck before running to the nearest room and shutting the door as fast she could.

Her hands trembled as she turned all locks and pulled up the traditional lock. Taking out her phone she couldn't she couldn't even tap on his name as tears closed her vision, but they didn't fall, she just blinked them back, rapidly.

The phone rang as the door banged loudly from the outside and even though she didn't flinch her heart was pounding loudly.

"Zi Feng...."

He picked up almost immediately and although she tried to hide it, her voice shook, her throat heavy, she could hardly speak.

"Where are you? Are you okay? Ah Yue!"

Huo Zi Feng had been in a meeting, and even that couldn't stop him from picking up her call. Listening to her voice however his heart grew colder with anger and fear.

"Jin...auction house... I-I please-"

"Hey! Hey! I'm coming, okay? Qiu Yue listen to me. I'll be there in minutes!"

By the time she'd even said the name of the place, he'd been halfway to his car.

The tires screeched loudly on the asphalt road from the strain of the speed the car was moving at, still dwarfed by his thundering heartbeat.



Select a cast for the main characters of QTDH! Or the people you think are part of the main cast :3 I'll select the best ones and maybe there'll be a surprise for the winners!~

How To:

- Everyone votes for different actors for the main cast of QTDH

- You vote for whoever you think is best.

- And I'll choose the ones that suit my vision the best.

- The people whos actors are chosen may get a prize!

Please Note: I said the main cast, now you have to guess! Who do you think is one of the main cast?

This edited by Yuna but please, we still need an editor!

I'm also setting up either a patreon or kofi account, just for any kind, able and generous souls who might be able to spare something for this broke college student :')







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