
Morning Blabbering

Darryl didn't know how he ended up sleeping in the Marble Mansion. The last thing he remembered last night was he, drowning himself with the wine that was served in the party with Dannah. It was probably her sister who brought him home after he had drunk himself out. Last night, he was severely lost to the fact that Ava Leigh came out looking like his dead wife and he was terribly bothered by it.

He dragged himself away from his beg bed but when he pulled himself up, a sudden tiny pain hit through his head brought by his hangover and yet he forced himself to the shower despite it. He cannot get through an hour anymore without finding out whether Ava and Xhemin's twin face was just merely coincidental or his wife did really rose from the grave, so he planned to figure out the whole thing today. Going through the whole night thinking about it made him miserable and he needed to equip himself with an alcohol's company just to get by.

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