
A Little Impatient

"I wanted to but the Diamond Prince was tailing you around …" He narrated, a little glad that Xhemin was now talking to him "… and when I almost got the chance the chance the accident happened and the rest was history"

"But it would have made me feel better if you showed up after the accident … " Xhemin said in the most lonely voice Darryl had ever heard.

"… But you didn't. And hearing the fact that you knew about my accident but didn't show up to check on me … hurts more" She confessed. There's no more point in hiding what she felt, her tears had already blew up her façade.

"I know and I'm sorry" He blew out a sigh of great remorse "Back at your party, I had ran after the culprit and when I went to see you at the hospital I thought it would be better if to be off without me"

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