

นักเขียน: Seerat_Irshad_0630
Fantasy Romance
กำลังดำเนินการ · 306 จำนวนคนดู
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What is 1. WOLFIA 2. RAYN

อ่านนิยาย 1. WOLFIA 2. RAYN โดย ผู้เขียน Seerat_Irshad_0630 ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.Dimness of the weather joining arms with the evil powers, in gloomy forest, crying of evil melting the shadows of homosapien. Can you hear me?...helloww welcome to hell!...


Dimness of the weather joining arms with the evil powers, in gloomy forest, crying of evil melting the shadows of homosapien. Can you hear me?...helloww welcome to hell!

4 แท็ก

Saga of Atlantis

"Hah..Hah.." In the midst of what seemed like a battlefield, a young boy with white hair knelt on the ground, struggling to catch shallow breaths. A short sword pierced his heart, his arms and legs were broken, making him unable to stop the crimson blood from coloring the ground. "That's what you get for betrayal," a red-headed teenage boy sneered as he stood before him. "A pathetic person like you could never be my brother," added a purple-haired girl, her voice seething with anger, as she stood alongside the redhead. With great effort, the young boy shifted his gaze forward. He could see many familiar faces in front of him—his so-called family, his so-called friends but his gaze remained fixed on her. "Wh..y, A.nna," he uttered with immense difficulty and sorrow in his voice, his vision blurring as he locked eyes with the blonde-haired girl, who regarded him with emotionless eyes. "I did that so I could save you," he said, his voice gradually growing louder. "I DID THAT SO YOU COULD LIVE!" he shouted, making everyone present flinch in fear. "I never asked you to do this" the blonde-haired girl replied, her words crushing the very soul of the boy. "A...nn.a," the young boy whispered one last time, a small tear slipping down from his eye as he breathed his final breath. ================================ Neil survived eight grueling years in a post-apocalyptic world only to die and be reincarnated in the body of Eden Morton, a character from a game he used to play as a teenager, by an unknown entity for unknown reasons. Eden's life was a pitiable one, plagued by the constant manipulation and betrayal of those around him – whether it was the princess, the famed hero, or even his very own family. Eden died without ever experiencing genuine love. Now, as Neil took over, he was determined to embark on a new journey, seeking the one thing he and Eden never had : a life worth living. ================================ [Discord link :- Invite/5Vgw4JCrBW]

Noob6_writer9 · แฟนตาซี
194 Chs

Legenda Pendekar Naga Putih

Partai Pedang Kebenaran adalah salah satu partai persilatan terbesar yang terdapat di Kota Han Ciu. Ketua partai itu bernama Zhang Yixing. Zhang Yixing sendiri merupakan seorang pendekar yang ditakuti lawan disegani kawan. Di daerah Han Ciu dan sekitarnya, tidak ada yang tidak mengenalnya. Semua orang, baik dari kalangan awam maupun persilatan, pasti kenal kepadanya. Apalagi, dia mempunyai julukan Pendekar Pedang Tanpa Tanding. Sebuah julukan yang mungkin terdengar sedikit berlebihan. Tapi, hal tersebut memang bukan omong kosong. Semuanya sesuai dengan kenyataan. Semua orang persilatan mengetahui akan hal tersebut. Permainan pedang Zhang Ciangbunjin (Ketua) tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Justru alasan dia dijuluki Pendekar Pedang Tanpa Tanding karena di daerah sekitarnya, memang tidak ada orang yang sanggup mengalahkannya dalam hal ilmu pedang. Namun sayang sekali, semua itu harus berakhir ketika peristiwa berdarah menimpa Keluarga Zhang sekaligus Partai Pedang Kebenaran. Di malam spesial yang harusnya menjadi malam kebahagiaan, justru malah berakhir menjadi malam kematian. Semua murid Partai Pedang Kebenaran tewas. Zhang Yixing beserta istrinya juga tewas. Yang tersisa cuma anak tunggalnya. Anak itu bernama Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi berhasil lolos dari kematian karena dia diselamatkan oleh seorang tokoh sakti dunia persilatan. Kelak, jika sudah tiba waktunya, Zhang Yi akan kembali ke dunia ramai dan bakal menjalankan tugasnya sebagai seorang pendekar pembasmi kejahatan. Bagaimana selanjutnya? Apakah dia akan membalaskan peristiwa berdarah yang menimpa keluarganya? Ikuti petualangan Zhang Yi di Legenda Pendekar Naga Putih.

Junnot_senju · ตะวันออก
398 Chs
Latest Update
จำนวน 1


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