

Alex, being a child born without an ability, has a lot of difficulties in life after the death of his parents on a mission to find out ways for humans to win the great war between the Humans and the Daimhix... After years of hard work, he got scholarship to the Silver Lane Military Academy (SLMA)...... On getting to the Academy, he didn't get the warm welcome he expected and was bullied continuously until the day he unlocked the neck chain he inherited from his parents, which helped him access his full potential..... With theses new powers also came responsibilities as the humans received an attack from vicious humanoid monsters.... Read more to find out which part Alex has decided to follow......

Fms_novels · ไซไฟ
12 Chs

System Quest

(Loading System)

A screen popped up "Am I still unconscious.... What is this? Alex said he stared at the screen in

front of him.




(Hello Mr.Alex)

A voice said and he saw a screen in front of him. He stood there dumbfounded...

Alex woke up surprised at the notification he just received in his head but, before he could pay more attention to that, his head started to feel slightly sour and heavy but he tried his best and was able to stand up from the ground where he was laying down. When he stood up, he looked around and realised that he was still in the academy's combat Arena, where he had gone to train his body. He decided to go back to his room after checking his time and realized it was late.

On his way to his room, Alex remembered the notifications he received when he woke up and

thought he was hallucinating because of the pain he was feeling in his head and decided to

confirm it later when he got to his room, when he was getting close to his room, the pain in his head caused his vision to become blurred causing him to bump into some things before he got to his room. Upon entering the room he saw the worried faces of Ethan and Liam which gave him a shock so he asked them what happened.

They both started shouting at him and asking him what happened telling him how worried they were and how they taught that Josh and his group had attacked him again. Alex started laughing and told them that he was only in the Academy's Arena training and Ethan also told him that Liam informed him about Josh and his gang so, he went to report at the office but the case was brushed off without further inspection, so he concluded that Josh must come from one of the big families in the Academy. After settling the matter, they decided to chat for a while and play some games.By the end of the game, man! "Ethan asked Alex, how are you so good at this game bro?"" I used to play a lot of games with my parents before they went missing," Alex said, ending his statement sadly. The room fell into an awkward silence and Liam tried to lighten the mood by saying" hey can we go on around, this time around I am going to beat your as* up Alex "Liam said jokingly.

After some time Liam and Ethan started sleeping and Alex decided to shower, change his clothes

and go to sleep totally forgetting about the notification. The next morning early as usual and

decided to go jugging, but before he left the room he had a voice in his head.

Good morning, Mr." "Alex," a female voice said to Alex. Alex was surprised but it did stop at that after the greeting, Alex also heard some notifications like he did last night which was a proof to him that he wasn't hallucinating.

<User; Alex Amari>

<Race; Human>

<Level 1>

<0 100 Exp>

<Hp 10>

<Strength;10 >

<AgIIIty;10 >

<Stamina;20 >

"This really feels like the games my parents said they used to play all the time, when they were


Alex was still gathering his thoughts when he noticed that they were other tabs on the status bar

of the screen, which he subconsciously switched to automatically just by reading it in his mind.

Alex was quite disappointed by the next tab because he was not able to get much information from

the tab and everything seemed locked.

<Skills Ability>

<0 Skill points available>

<Skill Locked>

<Skill Locked>


<Shop >

<Description, Items can be bought with points and sold in other to get another one>

<Unlocks 15 at level>

Although the description was short, Alex was quite impressed though, he was wondering how he was wondering how he was going to level up if the system was just like a game. As if the system had read his mind, the last tab had opened...

<Quest >

<Main 10 quest; Get to level>

<Reward Locked>

<Daily 400 quest; push ups>

<Reward; 10 Exp points>

After going through the tabs and what the system had to offer, he just had to think of closing the system and it closed. After that Alex remembered that in the games his parents used to talk about, you only get an ability or power by working for it . So, he concluded that if he wanted to increase his level, he had to complete the daily quest...