
Talk with SS and Meeting with Seijuro Kodaka

Orochimaru decided to let all of his ninja in the Land of Waves.They were to stay in there and protect the Land until it could defend itself, or Orochimaru could get the help of a village.

[Are you sure about that?It's not like you have many ninja with you, you can't afford to let them here while you'll probably go at war with a village sooner or later.]

'Kukuku~I thought of a plan.What do you think of.....An army of slaves?!'

[....Don't tell me you're planning to take control of Fang Country?If that's so you'll still need an amry to invade it.Or you can control it from the shadow, but...]

'Not my style!That's why i've many ways to get an army.Firstly i could possibly get an ally out of this Kodaka woman, and she seems to have many mercenaries under her.Secondly i could just recruit in Demon Country, there're many bandits in here who would love nothing more, than to have a good job that implies killing people, stealing things and getting a huge pay.Thirdly i could.....Create a village.All those options will take time and as such, i could use this time to train!'

[Indeed those options are good, they could work.However you won't be able to train without having Orochimaru's memories first!That's why i'll give you an extremely huge mission!]

Now Orochimaru was truly shocked, normally a system wasn't to be helping the Mc of a story so much, but......Who cared anyway?!

'Good, extremely good!So, what's the mission?' Asked Retsu as he exited Gato's base and walked in the village.The villagers were literally worshipping the ground he walked on, as they considered him as their hero.He had not only slaughtered Gato and his men, but he also gave them enough ninja to resist, an attack from anyone.

[Ding!New Mission: Make it so that Seijuro Kodaka become your ally, and discover her secret identity!

Reward: 10 000 Shinobi Points and Gentle Fist training book]

'Now it's really fucked up!I'll become powerful really fast, which is good, but.....Ain't you helping me a little too much?I don't think the Shinigami would help me that much!'

[You know there're a lot of people who says that you can't progress if you don't do things by yourselves, people who says that only by your own efforts can you really progress....THAT'S BULLSHIT!Why not use the help i give you?It's faster and easier!Why would anyone want to do everything by themselves while the results would be even bigger if they got help?!]

'Okay, okay. It's just that i thought there would be a catch to it.'

[Nope, you'll become powerful and it will make both me and the Shinigami happy!Even if you end up killing him.....That would only free him from his job which is good for him, in the end...Do whatever you want!]

'Perfect!Now let's wait for this Kodaka woman to-'Retsu's thoughts were stopped when a figure appeared behind him.He turned around and sent a kunai at the figure, but the kunai was set ablaze before it even reached him/her.

"Seijuro Kodaka, i presume?"Asked Orochimaru, a little mockery in his voice.The figure's eyes widened before he/she laughed.By the sound of the voice, Orochimaru understood that it was a woman.

"You're as smart as everyone tells me you are, snake!Let's talk in a more......Private space!"

They both Shunshined away and reappeared on a nearby roof.

"Let's go to the main point directly Orochimaru, i don't like what you just did.Gato was a good source of income for me and you just had to kill him."Said the woman, she removed her hood, revealing a Kitsune mask and silky bright red hair.

'Bright Red hair?Oh no!no,no,no!It's not possible!'

[.....Okay now i think we got a problem!]

Kodaka saw that Orochimaru slightly paled and she cursed herself.She thought that he wouldn't link it to her clan but it seems that he did.

'He's way too smart for his own good, he's lucky to be a Sannin, if he was a Jonin i would've already killed him.'


"*Sigh*Yes, i think that now, we need to have a serious talk.I obviously cannot let you go now that you know this."Said Kodaka.

"Okay, but first why Kodaka?I don't remember any important member of the Uzumaki clan called Kodaka'

"Kodaka was the name of my husband, but after he married me a long time ago, he changed his name to.......Kanjuro"Said the woman, but Orochimaru didn't react.

'Who's that dude?'

[Ok it's simple, in this world the Uzumaki Matriarch married two men.Hashirama Senju and Seijuro Kodaka]

'........Is that supposed to be Mito Uzumaki sitting in front of me?'Thought Retsu, the situation suddenly became confusing.

[Indeed, it's her but she's more relaxed than she's supposed to be.I think she applied a seal on herself to do that.Mito was known to be extremely cold to anyone and harsh in every moment.I think she tried to hide her identity the best she could, any details could've give her identity away.]

'She removed her hood as if it was a normal thing to do!That's not really trying to hide her identity!'

[That's because you know much more about the Uzumaki than anyone else.In this world they always were something akin to a legend.Even Kushina, the princess of the Uzumaki clan, never saw them.She was born in a small village near Uzushio, but never talked to any Uzumaki.Apparently they're extremely paranoid, and don't let anyone inside their village.]

'Interesting...Wait!Kushina, princess of the Uzumaki clan......Enter Uzushio.......SS who in this world can resurrect people?'

[In this world Orochimaru is the one who invented the Edo Tensei. So only you ,Pein and Madara can resurrect people. Wait a second! You're not going to-]

'First the Land of Waves, after the Fang Country. And now.......UZUSHIO!'

Hope you enjoy it!




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