
Fusion and Invasion start

After many hours of convincing, Hidan finally decided to work for Orochimaru. After that done, Orochimaru told them that he needed them to protect his Laboratory as he had something important to do. Hidan went to the training room and sparred with Kabuto who was more than happy. Izumi didn't knew what to do so she just went to her room and meditated.

Orochimaru went to Naruto's room as the boy directly understood what was happening.

"I-It's time to do that, right ?"Asked Naruto anxiously.

"Indeed, don't worry the process is quick and won't hurt you. However i need you to stay calm during the whole process, if you're too agitated it could fail and kill you." Said Orochimaru.



Naruto removed his shirt as the seal became visible. Orochimaru took a seal from his pouch and put in on Naruto's forehead.

"I'll fuse Kyuubi's chakra to yours, doing that will change you into a half-tailed beast since you'll still have your body. You won't get Kyuubi's memories but all the skills he could use will be yours, also you won't have Kyuubi's body, even though i don't think it's actually possible for a human to totally change into a tail beast."Said Orochimar, the seal began to glow as Naruto winced.

'RAGHHHH!!!STOP THAT HUMAN!!' Shouted Kyuubi inside Naruto mind, the fox understood what Orochimaru was trying to do, and he wasn't going to let him do that. Mito had already tried this a long time ago, it was her dream to merge with Kyuubi so she could become strong enough to protect her clan, forever.

Naruto concentrated and ignored Kyuubi's voice, he focused on the swirling red chakra that was fusing with his own. Kyuubi's chakra was wild and difficult to control, as such it took him an hour to find the perfect moment, a moment when the two source of chakra would be at the same level.


Orochimaru placed another seal, this time on Naruto's stomach while Naruto screamed.


His pupil changed to Kyuubi's and Nine tails appeared behind him. Fox ears formed on his head while his teeth changed to elongated canines. His whole body changed to become more fox-like but the only thing that didn't changed was the seal. The original seal stayed on his stomach, preventing Kyuubi from doing anything. The fox could only rage inside Naruto's mind, most of his chakra fused with Naruto's while Naruto chakra coils extended.

"Naruto, are you okay ?" Asked Orochimaru to the now half-Tailed beast, half-Human boy.

"Y-Yes........I feel so powerful, like i could crush an entire village easily!"Said Naruto, he began to move his slightly bigger body, his tails swiftly brushed the cold ground as he got up.

"Don't trust that feeling, you may be powerful but you can't control that power for now..............If you succumb to it yoi might kill yourself."Said Orochimaru as the little boy hugged him.

"Thank you, father!"

"Don't worry Naruto, i didn't lied when i said that you would become something worse then they could imagine."Said Orochimaru, a devilish grin on his face.

"Yes.........I'll make them pay for everything they did to me.......For all the beating, for all the time they threw me to the streets, all the time they treated me like trash!!" Said Naruto, sadly the process had exhausted him and he soon fell in Orochimaru's arms.

"It went better than i thought, Naruto is truly impressive. "Said Orochimaru.

[Of course he is! By the way you should speed up your plans! The chunin exam is quickly coming and you need to find a way to invade Konoha at that time.]

'Invade? Now why would i do that ? They could become useful later......I have other plans.KUKUKUKU!'

[Other plans? Let me check your mind for a sec-...........WHAT THE FUCK?! Are you seriously thinking about that ?!]

'Yes i am! What better way to win against them, then to force them to crawl to me like maggots, and beg for my help!Kukuku!'Thought Retsu.

[It could work, but only if the Akatsuki really become that powerful! Which should happen if Pein and Obito decide to recrute more people, and use the seals you gave them to enslave the Jinchuuriki. I'm wondering if they already know that it's a trap...]

'Impossible! My seals are perfect, they can't notice that it's a trap!'thought Retsu with some pride.

[Okay but what about Demon Country? You could take control of Youkigakure and send Naruto as a genin to the Chunin exam..........It would hurt Konoha and allow you to test Naruto's powers, plus it will show to all the other villages that Youkigakure isn't weak, which would benefit you.......If i remember correctly, Orochimaru wanted to be a Kage, right?]

'Kukuku.........Good idea, really good idea!'

[Can you stop laughing like that please? It's freaking me out!]

'.........It's the sole purpose of this laugh......KUKUKUKU!!'Thought Retsu as he exited the Laboratory.

'Mito's mercenaries should arrive in Demon Country early, i just need to arrive before them and prepare for the invasion of Youkigakure. The Daimyio will either die or become a puppet ruler for me, it's a wonder how the Daimyio can survive when they're so weak!'

[From what i could understand, the Daimyio use Samurai to defend themselves, but the only powerful Samurai live in Tetsu no Kuni or Tea country, they're supposed to be even more powerful than Ninja. ]

'Hmmm, we'll check that later........For now, it's invasion time!Kuku-'

