
The Blessings

As he was thinking about the blessing he was given, he was pulled into a dark space with a man wrapped in black frayed bandages from head to toe, sitting in the center of this space.

I asked the man who he was, but he just continued to sit there unmoving, walking forward and touching his shoulder, the man's head shot up and stared into his eyes "I am that which takes the souls of those and gives them to my master, now, I collect them for you. All can be given in exchange for souls, you just need the right amount to satisfy my master." With these words, the man faded into black smoke and disappeared from my sight. Then I felt something touch my right shoulder, turning around, the man was standing there once again staring into my eyes with those black, pupil less eyes. Though I would have thought I would be terrified of this man, he gave off a comforting feeling to me as if I had known him my whole life. "What can this blessing give me?" I asked the man. He smiled with a smile that reached from ear to ear while sharp jagged teeth presented themselves and what appeared to be blood oozed from the gaps between them. He back a few steps away from me before a sword appeared in his hand.

"Do you see this sword? This is the sword of death, but it also is the sword of life. Where there is death there is life and where there is life, there is death. This is an unbreakable truth. There are wandering souls that will serve you, demons will bow to you, angels will fear you, you have become a reaper of souls. This sword is myself and I am this sword. I will become your guide and your blade." With these cryptic words he stabbed the sword into my stomach. His body turned into smoke once more as it entered the sword making it glow a pitch black that seemed to eat all light. A pain that I had never imagined could exist came from my body. My skin melted off as my bones turned to ash and then I was left as a soul. I could see around me millions of spirits and they stared at me, no light existed in their eyes they were hollow and unmoving. "This is my masters first gift, take them into yourself, souls are your army, souls are your life, you are an eater of souls, consume them and strengthen yourself. As long as you consume souls you can never die." the voice of the man came from inside my soul. As if I had always known how, I took the sword and drew a circle in front of me before saying in a booming voice that wasn't mine "Enter." The circle I had drawn turned into a whirlpool that got thinner as it came closer to me before it connected to my chest. With screams of pure agony and damnation the souls surrounding me were sucked into the whirlpool as they were sucked into my body a feeling of pure elation assaulted me as if they were the most amazing delicacy.

When the last soul had been absorbed by me, my body reformed but this time I was taller. My former body was about 5,5 but now it was 6,6. My face had changed into a more defined version of itself, losing the still existing childlike qualities. Moreover my body became what one would consider perfect, the perfect muscle mass where it would not restrict flexibility at all. Once all this was over I was now standing in the middle of the dark space holding the sword in my right hand, I let go of it as it turned into smoke and entered my chest. When I let go of the sword I was ejected back out of the space onto where I was lying on my bed. I was thinking of how to explain my body's changes to my parents when I heard the voice again. "You can always use your power to change their memories." he said simply. "How would I go about doing this?" I asked him. "Simply pull the sword and stab them with it, they won't feel anything or see the sword as they aren't mana sensitive, then I will go inside and change their memories to match everything that has changed, it's easy." he said with a bit of pride in his voice. "Wait what is mana sensitivity?" I asked him confused. "Mana sensitivity is the ability to feel the powers of everything around you, in human science they call it elements. If you have a sensitivity towards wind, you can control oxygen atoms, and if you are skilled enough you can move them fast enough to cut through objects or people, or even forcefully remove the atoms from an area and suffocate those inside the area, people that have these sensitivity usually never realise it and the ones that do are taken by the mage societies.

"Do I have any sensitivities?" I asked him. "You have something similar to sensitivities but different as well. You have the ability to create antimatter, all things are made of matter and with the ability to control antimatter you can destroy anything. however you can control very little without my help, if I don't help you, you could destroy yourself. The thing you did with the souls where you absorb them and turned them into energy is the power of your antimatter, you destroyed the souls matter and turned it into energy which I absorbed and use to strength you."

'So aren't I the most dangerous being in existence then?'

"I have another question, if humans can control these thing we have long thought impossible to control, then what are gods and what can they do?" I asked the reaper. "Hmm, this is a hard one to answer. A god is a being created by the beliefs of humans, as long as belief remains the god will remain. Even a human can become a god if enough people worship him, however it is much more difficult. However for everything there is an exception. The Death god is the only god which does not require worshipers for its existence however it can be worshiped to give it power, the Death god is commonly portrayed as the anti-gods of religions like satan. Thus making him an 'evil god' and since gods are based off of the sentient beings beliefs, if they can be convince the Death god is not evil, he can change to be a righteous God as he has always wanted. However as well as the few worshipers he has give him power, as long as sentient beings exist and die, he will gain power and become more powerful through the absorption of their souls. The Righteous gods sentient being believe in created reincarnation but with the creation of souls every second and the souls that they deem worth to be recreated will slowly destroy the universes. At the moment there is two factions among the gods, the Destruction and Creation sides. My master the Death god is the leader of the destruction side. He wants to become the most powerful god, however the Creation side is too numerous and powerful, since sentient beings will always believe that there is a god that keeps their existence from being extinguished, there will always be faith in these gods. The head of the Creation faction calls himself the Higher one. He takes the other 'righteous' gods and consumes them so that the faith that goes to them will come to him instead. With these gods that span countless universes including this one merged with him he is nearly impossible to dethrone. However, all sentient beings are fickle creatures. What my master, Death has planned for you is simple, you will become a god, but will instead be a god of Creation and Destruction, While breaking the sentient beings of this universe and many others, the Higher one will become weaker as you steal his worshippers, while the near equally powerful Death god will shield you. While the Higher one and Death could fight, their accumulated faith power and Death power would be exhausted and it would take trillions of years to recover, so instead of fighting him himself, he has chosen you to weaken the Higher One for him. And once he is weak enough you, with his stolen faith power and Death gods gifted power, will destroy and absorb the Higher One. Once this is done through your controlled worshipers you can change their beliefs and finally change the way the Death god is viewed. If the way the Death god is viewed and then worshipped is changed, we can get rid of reincarnation and then eventually once we accumulate enough power we can create new universes where we can create the perfect race of sentient beings.
